Discuss The Role Of Propaganda In Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution

841 Words2 Pages

Samir Jhajj
Ms. Gill
28 November 2015
Role of Propaganda in Fiction and Non-fiction “Propaganda is ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated to help a cause, political leader, or a government” (Merriam-Webster). Squealer from Animal Farm is “a clever pig who could turn “black into white”. Throughout the novel, he serves as Napoleon’s mouthpiece and Minister of Propaganda” (Character Analysis Squealer 4). “Joseph Stalin is the dictator of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) from 1929 to 1953. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union is transformed from a pleasant society into an industrial and military superpower [society]” (Introduction 1). The role of propaganda is seen in both Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution through the similarities and differences. Manipulation of propaganda is the same between the two characters known as Squealer and Joseph Stalin. The purpose of propaganda is used by each character and their characteristic traits which influence how they display propaganda are viewed as differences.
A quote that explains that is, “Surely you remember that, comrades?’ exclaimed Squealer frisking from side to side” (Orwell 54). This quote explains that when Squealer uses words that are persuasive, the animals understand him. Similarly, Stalin is in control of the media. This means that he can do whatever he desires. A quote states that, “Stalin twisted the newspaper in the way that whatever came out was what he wanted” (Connection to Animal Farm 1). This quote displays that Stalin takes advantage of the fact that he controls the media in order to make himself better. These two characters manipulate propaganda in a way that anyone would think they know what is best for their community. Thus, this paragraph talks about how Squealer and Stalin manipulated propaganda to their

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