Discuss The Impact Of Technology On American Agriculture

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American agriculture was what made the United States so successful when it first settled. They were able to produce a large amount of cotton and the export it to most of the world, becoming a large producer of this product. The united States as improving and becoming a country of industry with new inventions, policies enacted by the government and the change in economy. Therefore it was not a big surprise when technology, government policy and economics changed, in the period 1850-1900; it also changed the agriculture industry too.
Technology was a major impact on the Agriculture industry during this period. George Washington Carver who was a scientist, ex-slave, educator, and a humanitarian produced many peanuts, sweet potatoes, pecans and soybeans which increased the improvement of southern agriculture farms. This increased the variety of food produced from the south giving them a wider choice of food to export and sell. Expanding the railroads allowed food to be sent around the country in a more efficient and quicker way. Farmers were able to sell more by spreading out past their community and selling it also throughout the country. Therefore farmers had an increase in profit. …show more content…

Over eighty million acres of land was given to the farmers for at least five years; during that time they would improve the land which had very poor soil. This happened in 1862 and eventually became to be called the Homestead Act. Another thing that happened was the railroad grants which gave over one hundred eighty which allowed the agriculture industry to ship their products and buy more seeds all over the country. Federal land sales were directly sold to cattle companies who needed many acres of land for their cattle and other products. This happened between 1850 and1900 and allowed the animal side of the agriculture industry to

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