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Effects of social inequality on society
Racial prejudice
Discrimination in healthcare past and present
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The particular human resource current event that I have chosen to elaborate upon is an article in which highlights the discrimination of doctors within the current medical field. Throughout all walks of life people will be faced with certain bias, prejudice, racist and of course discriminatory remarks or actions from others who feel they are better, some people much more than others. In today’s society racism is not accepted by the standard in which we live, but it is reinforced within our founding principles. White Americans were nurtured on hatred for a person with darker skin color or obvious differences, there is a deep divide in-between us as humans, which has been fueled with anger, murder and deception. Thankfully times have changed and so have the ways we treat each other, but even still there is always going to be some …show more content…
form of resentment or a difference within one another. One place where discrimination is not spoken about enough is discrimination within the workplace, more specify within the medical field, by patients. Many doctors admitted to being subject to discrimination by patients or parents of children who has been in their care. The experience can be demoralizing and demotivating for the doctor to know that the patient does not want to be treated by a doctor based on looks not professionalism. One example of carrier discrimination outside the workplace was of an African American women, who was flying Delta, and was discriminated upon when a flight attendant called for a doctor’s help.
When the women raised her hand to show she was a doctor she was told by a flight attendant “Oh, no, sweetie, put your hand down, we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel; we don't have time to talk to you." which was completely biased and only based on the way the women looked. The women’s name was Tamika Cross a California-based pediatrician, who had just started supervising interns at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. A fellow passenger aboard the delta airline, she was on, had become unconscious and unsure what to do, flight attendants asked if there was a doctor on board the plane. After Cross was denied access to help the passenger, as well as criticized, an older white gentlemen raised his hand and exclaimed he too was a doctor. After creolization Cross was later asked to help and was offered “skymiles” as a form of apology from the attendant who had said those discriminating remarks to
her. Discrimination is still a very active problem that people are faced with constantly, inside and outside of the workplace. As an employer it is important to distance yourself from these types of constraints and look past these things. Personal feelings, opinions, thoughts and of course bias are not to be imposed or drilled on others around you or that work for you. When looking for new employees it is important to treat each person with the same amount of respect no matter how they look on the outside, you must get past any personal feelings and move forward in a more professional and ethical way.
Diabetes Programs: The Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute Experience. Curr Diab Rep Current Diabetes Reports, 14(2). Doi:10.1007/s11892-013-0462-0
The role of work, money, and the effect they have on individuals has changed throughout the past years due to social classes and racism. Social classes being based on by race is just the beginning of the differences. In the work force there are always people who feel the need to dominate in their field or profession solely because they think they are the dominant social class or race. People of any rank at the office will look down upon others, not because of their position, but skin color. People are not only treated differently at the work site based due to these issues, but also in some cases th...
The field of medicine has been constantly progressing through the centuries with surgery, as one of its most fundamental structure of medicine. Cutting people open to find the harm and relieving them of it. But as the field of surgery progress over time; the surgical environment has developed a gender sphere that makes it difficult for women to become surgeons. The glass ceiling is a political metaphor that exists to explain the gender disadvantages within disciplined jobs (The Glass Ceiling Effect*). Women today, regardless of their qualifications face an obstacle that “appear[s] to be a distinctively gender phenomenon” (1) in any highly disciplined jobs, especially in the field of surgery.
What are Health disparities? Health disparities are "preventable difference in the burden of disease, violence, injury or opportunities to meet optimal health experienced by socially disadvantaged populations". This population can be defined by elements such as race, gender, income, career and geographical location. Health disparities are biased and are related to the historical and uneven distribution of social, economic, political and environmental features. Some of this features include poverty, ecological risks, limited access to health care, educational discriminations and individual and behavioral factors. Some people believe that health disparities are ethically wrong because it demonstrates historical inequality. some ethical values of important in bioethics such as "Kantian ethics, contractarian ethics, and utilitarian ethics have provided theoretical justification" on why health disparities are ethically wrong. While most people believe in the unfairness of these approach to health care solutions, others sorely believe that this approach is beneficiary for those that can't afford proper care due to cost because of their financial limitation, geographical location, ethnicity/race or gender orientation. In this paper, I will expatiate on some disadvantages subsidized by this factors to the population in concern and will cite some of the difficulties faced by these populations due to their inadequate access to good or better health care.
While both race and gender have very real societal and, in some instances, personal consequences which enables both to be categorized as real neither race nor gender is more real than the other. Both of them faced and still face overt and covert discrimination, and both of them are built upon a mountain of logical fallacies that are able to ultimately be reduced down to societal standards and obligations forced upon them by the dominant group. Since they are also both deeply embedded in our culture they have become integrated into our sense of who we, as humans, are and in our perceptions of other people and situations.
Some of these barriers can include discrimination and stereotyping between coworkers and also between patients and the healthcare staff. According to Andrews and Boyle (2016), gender can become a barrier for female nurses with males being paid a higher wage and receiving promotions quicker than females. Affirmative action is a policy that provides equal opportunities without being discriminated against (Adrews & Boyle, 2016). However, discrimination can happen when an employer is required to hire a certain percentage of minorities within their company instead of being able to actually hire the best candidate for the job based on experience, work ethic, or education. Role stereotyping can also hinder the workforce. Many see the traditional role of a nurse as being a female and a male being a physician. Many patients will assume that a male entering their room is a physician and therefore have more respect for them and their knowledge as opposed to a nurse. Hatred toward coworkers due to prejudice and discrimination can also play a barrier to diversity. Many employees can show negatively toward specific groups such as, homosexuals or Muslims due to feelings related to previous interactions or behaviors with certain cultures (VanLaer, & Janssens, 2011). Although there are many more barriers in diversity, it is obvious that we need to continue to work on awareness toward other
The Merriam Webster Dictionary (2015) defines disgust as “annoyance and anger that you feel toward something because it is not good, fair, or appropriate.” Lastly it defines apprehension as “the act or power of perceiving or comprehending.” Unfortunately these words are used to quantify how employers treat disabled employees. With such contempt towards this large base of employees the question that’s inevitable is “can unions help fix the wrongs that are being committed”. During the course of this paper we will explore the issues that employees and employers are facing in the current work environment. Lastly, we will dive into the question of unions being
In today’s age it can be difficult for many to imagine a world in which applicants were denied employment for factors such as their gender, race, religion or national origin. We have grown accustomed to living in a country that provides legislative protection in the case of discrimination in and outside the workforce. Yet, this was not always the case. It has been a mere 52 years since the illegalization of “discrimination in education, employment, public accommodations and the receipt of federal funds on the basis on race, color, gender, national origin and religion.”(BL pg.98) This new set of legislation is known as the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although it did not make amends for year of abuse and discrimination,
When society thinks of healthcare, there are many racial disparities within healthcare, especially in treatment. How being a person of color in the United States can be difficult when it comes to accessing health care, especially in the hospital. In the United States, there seems to be a separation between physicians and patient, which contributes to the disparities in quality of healthcare. The hospital is a place where people should feel equally treated. The hospital is also a place where can be refused medical attention due to their socioeconomic status, race and gender. A patient needs to have confidence in the capability of their physician, so that they can be able to confide in him or her. When a person goes to the hospital to have
The statistics of today show its still racism in the United States with hate crimes of 47 percent including police brutality, salary wage between men and women, mass incarceration with young men in prison who in this economy have little advantages if they have a family to support can’t. Justice has not been served for individuals who experience racism encounters either with the police or being murder for the color of your skin. Racial Discrimination applies to specific economic and social opportunities that influence others to think or behave negatively.
For hundreds of years, racial discrimination has been occurring in our society affecting families and underprivileged kids. Therefore, the racial slurs and the actions towards one another is based off bias, where we grew up and how we were raised as a child individually. From past experiences, to our current lifestyle, there will always be a discriminate person or group protesting and starting new revolutions because of the hatred and undoing actions that have occurred in our past society. Racism and bias opinions are understandable because they derive from from a person’s cultural influences, exposure to dominant racial organizations, and the tendency to conform to expected stereotypes.
Prejudice and discrimination have both been prevalent throughout human history. Prejudice deals with the inflexible and irrational attitudes and opinions that are held by others of one group against those of another. Discrimination on the other hand refers to the behaviors directed against another group. Prejudiced individuals have preconceived beliefs about groups of people or cultural practices. There are both positive and negative forms of prejudice, however, the negative form of prejudice leads to discrimination. Individuals that practice discrimination do so to protect opportunities for themselves, by denying access to those whom they believe do not deserve the same treatment as everyone else. An example of discrimination based on prejudice involves the Jews. “Biased sentiments and negative stereotypes of Jews have been a part of Western tradition for centuries and, in fact, have been stronger and more vicious in Europe than in the United States. For nearly two millennia, European Jews have been chastised and persecuted as the “killers of Christ” and stereotyped as materialistic moneylenders and crafty business owners (Healey, p.65). The prejudice against these groups led to the discrimination against them.
Discrimination is a feasible method of making decisions in life based on the group, class, or category to which a person belongs to. “In an ideal world, people would be equal in rights, opportunities, and responsibilities, despite their race or gender. In the world we live in, however, we constantly face all kinds of neglect based on different attributes.” When one hears the word discrimination, the first thought that comes to mind is racial discrimination. In fact, it does not solely have to be racial discrimination. There are many forms of discrimination such as age, disability, transgender, and sex discrimination. This paper will focus on discrimination based on gender, race and age in the workplaces.
Work plays an important role in our daily life, it is considered much more huge part of our personal life. During our daily work we make many relationships throughout our career history. Sometimes these relationships become lasting, and sometimes employment discrimination might happen. This relationships that we thought it last could be cut off by the devastation of claims of discriminatory treatment. Discrimination in the workforce has been an issue since the first people of workers in United States in the present day and as well in the past. Some employees were subjected to a harsh working conditions, verbal abuse, denial of advancement,, and many other injustices. There was also the fact that certain employees were being treated differently than other employees.
In some countries, racial discrimination is acute, violence and so on that are some ways to solve different problems, it is not even questioned. In today 's society often happen racial discrimination problems, such behavior destroy the people to go abroad. Even harm to other people 's life safety. This is making a lot of foreigners to protect their own security, and give up their studies and works, they want not to go outside. 'Attacks on Chinese student at Paris metro stirs concerns ' French women attacked Chinese students, event alerted the important leaders of the two countries. Because of their behavior were represent a country in the eyes of foreigners. I visited New York in first time, I suffered some American to abused me. I was very angry. Racial discrimination, this is making a person life uncomfortable. I think people are equal, we should correct treat the problem. We should get on well