Discrimination Against Racist Americans

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Have you ever felt what it is like to be guilty by association? As there are extremist Muslims and non-extremist, there is very little different difference to many racist Americans. Americans with that view point treat Muslims with very little to no respect anywhere that they are seen. America was made to be the “melting pot” of culture due to all the immigration, and laws to protect the Freedom of Religion, but has failed to do so. The western culture has taken to much of a ban on the middle east due to the few groups of extremists who are the source of the worlds cause of terror. Even in recent laws being passed against the immigration of Muslims to the United States is a racist act taken by our President. Although everything that has happened in with violence and terrorism by the extremist Muslims in the past up to the present has been a snowball of anger for some Americans. Violence against Muslims in the United States occurs in communities, workplaces, and Mosques. …show more content…

Islamophobia, the belief that Muslims are not a race so you cannot be racist to them, is one of the main causes of violence towards Muslims in American communities. Another major cause is that some people don’t see a difference between the extremist of the faith and the non-extremist, and that fuels their hatred towards any Muslims they see. Also The Patriot Act, was signed in 2001 after the extremist attack on the twin towers, established the term guilt by association and many other unconstitutional regulations against Muslims. As a result of these beliefs Muslim receive dirty looks from neighbors while walking around their neighborhoods, and other hostile behaviors from their neighbors. As we grow from the community to the work place the same beliefs fuel the same racist

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