Discourses on Livy: Republics and the Decemvirate

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Machiavelli, a political genius, paves a path for us to understand the logic on how to build a successful Republic or bring a Republic to ruin. Machiavelli seems to be neutral on his logic, by this I mean he does not side with only good or bad intentions. He clears this path so anyone can come in and take a Republic and mold it to their liking. The principality, aristocrats, and the popular are good for the republic, but almost inescapably turn wicked. This wickedness caused the decemvirate to form. We will look into the darkness of the decemvirate and show that even when pushed by the people it ended up turning for the worse until it was ruinous for the Roman republic. Eventually the decemvirate shifted the political view back towards the one, the few, and the many.

There are some characteristics of a republic that Machiavelli brings to our attention. First of all a republic must remain mixed or it will come to ruin quick. A republic must have a mixture of these governments. There are three types of government in a republics and operate or turn into one of these - the principality, aristocrats, and popular. The principality effortlessly becomes tyrannical. The aristocrats in time will become a state of the few. The popular also with ease become licentious.

Each style of government will not return to the previous because it is new to them that it is oppressive to the others values. We should look at it this way to understand why they do not want to go back to the previous one, but instead to the next style and try to choose a Virtuous individual. Niccolo Machiavelli, "it is necessary to whoever arranges to found a Republic and establish laws in it, to presuppose that all men are bad and that they will use their malignity ...

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... at war because there were mercenaries fighting for Rome instead of people that had something to lose if they lost the war. It showed the desires of individuals and how individuals will be envious and always want more than what they are supposed to receive. Last of all it caused tumults within and showed a lack of security within the state which showed off there weakness to surrounding enemies.

This shows that overall the only way to run a republic is to have certain precautions and restraints. Theses precautions and restraints keep Tyrants from observing opportunities and becoming envious of what one might want. Instead of an open window that he might crawl through to find jewels or valuable items, the window needs to stay shut and locked in order to keep peace. Otherwise problems will arise and the decline of ones owns virtue might bring him to ruin sooner.

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