Disadvantages Of Fantasy Football

2678 Words6 Pages

1 1
Are you ready for some football? 3
Supplies 4
Computer with a stable Internet Connection 4
Email Address 4
Getting Started 5
Choose a Website 5
Register 6
Types of Fantasy Leagues 7
Roster 8
Positions 8
Draft Day 9
Team Pick Order 9
Position Priority 9
Rules 11
Scoring 11
Managing your Roster 12
Free Agency 12
Trades 12
Playoffs 14
Summary 15
Sources Cited 16
Index 17

Are you ready for some football?
Fantasy football is a rapidly growing online game played by those who share a love of professional football. This is a free to play game in which players assume the role of a general manager in the National Football League (NFL). You will experience a full season competing with fellow players each week in points …show more content…

For those who are unable to purchase or access these things alternative solutions will be offered below. Fantasy football is meant to be easily accessible for everyone, regardless of your living environment or financial status.
Computer with a stable Internet Connection
You must have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with a stable internet connection. You do not need all of these devices, only one is necessary and each of these three devices shares the same features and processes in playing fantasy football.
If you do not own one of these devices or have access to a stable internet connection other options are available. Many libraries and school campuses offer free Wi-Fi internet and computer access.

Email Address
You must have a valid email address which you are able to check frequently in order to register on most fantasy football website
Getting …show more content…

On the fantasy homepage select the “Join a League” option under the heading “My Fantasy”.
Types of Fantasy Leagues
After successfully registering on the website you will be playing on you will be asked to select the type of league you wish to join.
1. Auto pick league
In an auto pick league format you will allow a computer to select which players you draft. You will receive an email immediately after your league’s draft is complete notifying you which players were selected for your team. This format is recommended for individuals who have little or no knowledge of the NFL or its players.

2. Draft League In a draft league format players will take turns selecting individual players for their teams. This draft this format will require the player to have knowledge pertaining to which players have talent within the NFL and the player will need to adjust their roster each week based on changes in individual performance. The commissioner or manager of your league will announce a specific date on which the league draft will occur.

3. Salary Cap

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