Disadvantages Of A Single-Parent Family

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Being a parent is no easy job for a mother or a father even in the best of circumstances, in fact, not only is it the hardest job one will ever do, it is also a job that is never done. Being a parent is not a nine to five job, with nights and weekends off. Rather it is a twenty-four seven job until the day that you die. This is not to say that parenting does not have its rewards. Overall, most parents would probably be the first to tell you it is the best job and the most rewarding thing they have ever done in their lives. There are many types of parents and family situations and there is not one that is perfect or superior or right or wrong. However, a two-parent household does lend itself to many advantages over the single-parent household. Usually two-parent families better equip children by providing a more stable environment of love, attention, affection, discipline, and responsibility than the single-parent household.
Love is a complex gift tied in emotion; it includes attention, affection, praise and encouragement. All of these elements are …show more content…

A job, bills, chores, errands, appointments, activities, it all just becomes too much for a single-parent and something always seems to get the short end of the stick. Usually it is the small things that make a child feel special. So in every way a child is better off being with both parents rather than with only one; given that there is not some kind of abuse in the home. Again, this is not to beat up on single parents because I am one myself. I do believe single parents give it their all and they probably even give more because they are given for two. I know first-hand that single parents give everything they have got and more, because there is no other way to survive. I absolutely commend all of those single moms and dads for giving everything they’ve got to be both parents rolled into one and to love for

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