Disability Hate Crime Report

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Disability hate crime is defined as “any incident/crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s disability or perceived disability” and is known to be the least reported hate crime compared with the other four monitored strands. This report will discuss the scale and scope of the problem, how theories help us to understand why this prejudice happens and what can be done to reduce the number of offences through policies and legislation.

Section 1 - Scale
A major problem involved in hate crime against the disabled is the under-reporting of offences and it has been shown that “compared with racist and religiously-motivated hate crime, hate crime against …show more content…

This was done in Section 146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 with new documents being introduced that strengthened sentencing requirements attached to hate motivated offences (Roulstone 2010), known as the sentencing uplift. Statistics from the Hate Crime Annual Report in 2016/17 showed that the use of the sentencing uplift has increased to 52% of cases. This has clearly been a positive implementation as it demonstrates that the courts are recognising hate crime and is a start to providing victims with the justice they deserve. The fight against disability hate crime began with the Disability Discrimination Act created in 1995 with the intention to address the social exclusion and isolation of disabled people and set out the rights of people with disabilities in relation to employment, education, access to goods and services, buying or renting property. However, despite this, there was still evidence to suggest that when disabled people go out in public they are subject to harassment. Many other policies and charities like this have now been implemented as an attempt to tackle hate crime against disabled people. The charity, Mencap, founded in 1946, fight for the equal rights and opportunities for people with learning disabilities and aim at helping to improve their lives as well as their families. They do this by offering a variety of services from around the clock care to …show more content…

True vision is a police funded website set up to provide information on the different forms of hate crime and how to report it. Victims and families are able to access information on the ways they can report hate crimes and people that can be of help and support to them. There is also an online report form which is sent directly to the police. This website encourages victims to come forward and by creating a simple way of reporting enables communities to highlight the main concerns within an area, improving all of society. There has also been a new national police hub set up to stamp down on those who commit hate crime online with its main aim is to ensure victims have the confidence to come forward. The hub’s activities include “assessing whether the particulars of a complaint amount to a crime, combining duplicate reports and identifying perpetrators” (The Independent, 2017) fighting against those who use online anonymity as an excuse to commit

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