Essay On Equality And Diversity In Health Care

855 Words2 Pages

Equality and diversity by Irwin Wendy address the need for equality in healthcare professions and how it affects the individual. Equality and diversity plays a huge role between patients, families and other healthcare professionals. It takes a unique look distinctive when analysing the support needs of patients in terms of equal opportunities as well as their choices and preferences as the National health service opens to a wide range of people to access the services .

This article explain how healthcare providers should treat people as individuals, not to discriminate and act as an advocate for individuals receiving care. Also, how nurses should provide individual holistic care by playing an active role in ensuring that services within the hospital or community reflect the diverse needs of every individual irrespective of their background and also highlight the purpose of the Equality Act 2010 to healthcare providers and who it protects as far as discrimination is concern.
In my opinion, equality is not about being politically correct or telling people what they can and cannot say Its about treating others as you would want to be treated .Equality means making sure patient is been treated equally regardless of colour, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. For the NHS, this means every individual have the right to be treated fairly and equally to be able to access services. By so doing , It gives out a positive message and encourage an atmosphere of respect . However, As stated in the Equality Act 2010, the act protect and prevent people who are disabled and vulnerable people from discrimination.
The reasons for the act is not to discriminate against patient,families,colleagues and other ...

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... receive and the way in which they receive it .
Finally , Healthcare professionals should take appropriate action if patients right is been abused or discriminated against. Discrimination issues or problems must be treated equally and appropriate action should be taken . If healthcare professionals witness any sort of discrimination or patients report any discriminatory practices , immediate action should be taken as discrimination can have an adverse effect on the individual such as low self esteem and a sense of not belonging.
It is quite certain to say that discrimination can be deadly and can deprive a person from living a normal and happy life. Especially those with disability. Therefore, it is important for discriminatory practices to be avoided and dealt properly ones reported.. If these effects are dealt properly ,long term effects can be eliminated.

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