Digital Privacy In Australia

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When al gore said “In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous? ” he spoke of NSA collecting phone call records of millions of users who used Verizon yet he also highlighted one of the biggest issues in the Digital world. Technology has contributed positively as it’s involved in almost everything we do, but it does have its negatives. What most people don’t know is that anything we do online leaves footprints behind, that data that we leave behind can be manipulated without us being aware to what is happening. Digital Privacy should make internet users feel safe to know that your data is being protected and not the opposite.

o What is privacy?
Privacy is viewed differently …show more content…

Digital privacy can be described as “the protection of the information of private citizens who use digital mediums” . Digital mediums are something you use that can reach the online world, this could be using the internet to using the internet to connect to a search engine such as Google or using social media to communicate to friends and family.
Anything you do online can leave traces of information; this can be from emails & attachments, or uploading images and videos.
The data traces that become digital footprints are there online and can be seen by anyone even third party companies.

o Describe digital privacy in Australia.
Once there are traces it can be seen by anyone from around the world,
Privacy has been a major concern in Australia, as there have been media reports on privacy in Australia.
A survey relating to what Australians thought of privacy, indicated that 80% thought that their information should not be sent to another country. John McMillan says” only nine per cent of people trust social media websites to protect their information and almost 50 per cent say it's their biggest point of concern and yet despite those fears, nearly everyone uses …show more content…

In terms of privacy, “some experts feel that by 2025 there will always be governments and companies that are able to access your information and with the use of internet of things they could monitor your behaviours and analyse this data” . While other experts “believe there will be more control from the user to work with governments to decide what happens to their information”. From the report it looks as though there will still be privacy issues in 2025 but it will be up to the user to decide the outcome. There are still privacy issues in the present but there are ways of counter measures to reduce the impact of privacy

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