Digital Forensics

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Welcome to this course on electronic evidence and digital forensics. During many years of practicing digital forensics with often seen how difficult it is for legal practitioners, who often have limited time, to get to grips with the complexities of electronic evidence. Not only do many lack a strong background in technology, but it is also a field that is changing at an extremely fast pace. It is not only legal practitioners that need to understand this, but often other individuals are confronted with the intricacies of electronic evidence when they get involved in court cases that has an element of the electronic evidence. To add to this, there are often limited time available to familiarize themselves with this type of evidence while preparing for a case. As digital forensics is a relatively new field there is also a shortage of people who can explain this. In addition, finding information on the Web that is reliable enough for court purposes can be a difficult and time-consuming process. …show more content…

We also did not assume any legal background. To start we will have a good look at the different sources of electronic evidence as many sources of good evidence is often overlooked. We will also look at how data is stored and why it can sometimes be difficult to get to the needed evidence. It will be explained how it is in many cases possible to recover data after it was deleted and why this sometimes cannot be

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