Differential Association Theory And Strain Theory

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Policy Paper One Raquel Lozano Sam Houston State University The two theories I have chosen are the differential association theory and the strain theory. These two theories are well thought out theories but one I feel is a stronger theory that explains why people turn to substance use and at times abuse substances. The differential association theory was first proposed in 1939 by a sociologist named Edwin Sutherland. This theory is a general theory used to describe deviance. Sutherland’s theory was used as the groundwork for some of the most important researches used to describe illicit drug use. Sutherland’s theory states that drug use is a learned behavior. This behavior is often taught by a person’s interaction and their …show more content…

The term used to later describe a person that fits this category was introduced in 1893. A sociologist by the name Emily Durkheim introduced the term anomie as it implies the one gains the feeling of frustration and at time feel separated because they feel they lack the criteria to fit the definition of being a good members of society. This often leads to studying suicide. However, the term was later used in 1968 to describe deviant behavior by Robert Merton. Merton categorized the 5 possible adaptions to anomie. This adaption can explain why a person does and does not achieve the goals in an acceptable manner. The first adaption is conformity. This adaption states the main goals people strive for within their society and how to obtain them. Such goals can be economic success and happiness. Often people strive for the “American dream”. The second adaptation is innovation. Innovation according to Merton is when one seeks monetary success by using illegal behavior to obtain these goals. An example can be someone wanting to be involved with drug cartels to be able to obtain money instead of seeking education and hard work. Next is the third adaption which is ritualism. This adaptation is reaching for more obtainable goals while seeing societies views of the “American dream” as unobtainable. Such as waking up every morning to continue their employment as a customer service agent and then running their daily errands and going home. At …show more content…

Every day one deals with stress. According to the Scholastic website titled “Stress and Drug Abuse: The Brain Connection” when teens were asked why they turn to drugs one stated that the need to be successful was too stressful. The main reason for people seeking employment opportunities with cartels is for the need to obtain quick money. Many people become so overwhelmed that the need to obtain the luxuries associated with living the American dream become irrelevant and they turn to drug use. The PyschCentral website gives five steps to stop drug addiction before it starts. The first reason is finding alternative ways to cope with stress. Stress is often related to obtaining goals that society has in place to determine if a person is successful. Other steps include living a lifestyle that makes you happy and being aware of your family’s history with substance abuse. While I feel the differential theory is a less valid reason for drug use. Although peer pressure and learned behavior can be a strong factor it also can be a factor in which one avoids drugs. I feel just because one associates and sees drug use often does not mean they will turn to drugs. If you are aware of your loved one’s substance abuse issues you should avoid such pressure or relationships. I feel in the end it is one’s personal choice. Ultimately the person must choose to accept that drug use can lead to dangerous

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