The Look at three Integrated Theories

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An integrated theory is a combination of 2 or 3 theories that offers many explanations on why crime is occurring, compared to a traditional criminal theory that just focus on one type of aspect (Lilly et al.2010). The purpose of integrated theories is to help explain many aspects into what causes criminal behavior and why one becomes delinquent. From this an argument arises can integrated theories be used to explain all criminal behavior. Integrated theories are successful in explaining certain aspects of crime on what causes one to become deviant; however one theory alone cannot explain why an individual engages in crime. This paper will examine three integrated theories and look in-depth how these theories can explain different aspects on why criminal behavior occurs and the weakness of each theory. The three integrated theories that will be discussed in this paper are Cloward and Ohlin Differential Opportunity theory, Robert Agnew General Strain theory, and lastly Travis Hirschi’s Social Bond theory. Cloward and Ohlin Differential Opportunity theory merged ideas from Merton’s Strain theory and the Robert Merton’s strain theory and the Chicago school on how criminal behavior is learned through cultural transmission (Lilly et al.2010). The Chicago school was based off Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association theory and the research from the Chicago school played a immense role for these two theorists to understand criminal behavior and develop their own theory. Robert Merton’s Strain theory solely focuses on the American Dream and the failure to achieve economic success, in particular his research looked at the social structure barriers for the lower class (Bernburg 2002). The Differential Opportunity focused on del... ... middle of paper ... ... people commit crimes and are not limited to one aspect like the original theory. For example, Merton strain theory just looked one aspect of blocked opportunities to unable achieve economic success. Differential Opportunity theory helped explain the different illegitimate means that causes people to commit crimes for example poverty and high concentrations of youth living in slums (Murphy & Robinson, 2009). Agnew General Strain theory takes a micro approach into looking at the different types of strain that causes people to commit crimes (Lilly et al.2010). Even though these theories explain certain aspects of what causes crime, it does not explain the sole cause of why criminal behavior occurs or why one commits different crimes. However integrated theories are helpful to understand certain aspects of why people commit crimes and engage in deviant behavior.

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