How would the quality of teaching for a physical education class be judged? In a math class, you might judge the quality by how fast the students can comprehend the material being taught. In a writing class you may judge the quality by the way the students construct their sentences. But in a physical education class the best way to judge the quality of teaching is translated into the amount of fun the class is having. Certain teaching styles will work best in this environment.
From the book The Spectrum of teaching styles, From Command to Discovery, written by Muska Mosston, he explains that there are a variety of teaching styles. These styles are all a part of the Spectrum of Learning. The spectrum of learning is defined as “the framework for teaching where the term teaching style was selected to differentiate the descriptions of specific teaching behavior.”(Mosston, 1986) Mosston explains that through the process of decision-making, we are left with eleven styles of teaching on the spectrum. “Mosston’s analyses showed that for any style a teacher might choose, certain aspects or possibilities of the teaching-learning situation were facilitated while other as4pects were diminished.” (Thomson, 2009) meaning there are both strengths and weaknesses of each teaching style. The styles are, The Command style, The Practice Style, The Reciprocal Style, The Self-check Style, The Inclusion Style, The Guided Discovery Style, The Divergent Style, The Convergent Discovery style, The Divergent Production Style, Learner Designed Individual Program Style, The Learner Initiated Style, and The Self Teaching Style. Each style is unique in its own way and each is practiced in teaching. (Mosston, 1986) Although, it is apparent that there are seve...
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... styles in physical education are successful only when the students are having fun. Based on research the teaching style that is most successful is the command style of teaching. Although, there are several that can be used to also enhance the amount of fun that is had.
Works Cited
Mosston, M., & Ashworth, S. (1986). The Spectrum of Teaching Styles From Command to Discovery (Third Edition ed. , pp. 1-20). Columbus Ohio: Merrill Publishing Company.
Winnick, J. P. (2005). Adapted Physical Education and Sport (Vol. 1, 4th ed., pp. 107-108)
Cai, S. (1998). Student enjoyment of physical education class in three.. Education, 118(3), 412. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Thomson, W. (2009). Mosston's Styles of Teaching: A Review of Command Style. Virginia Journal, 30(2), 20-22. Retrieved from SPORTDiscus with Full Text database.
3. McKenzie, T. L., Alcaraz, J., & Sallis, J. F. (1994) Assessing children's liking for activity units in an elementary school physical education curriculum. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 13, 206-215.
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Wesson, K., Wiggins, N., Thompson, G & Hartigan, S (2000) Sport and PE: a complete guide to advance level study, second addition, London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Ornstein, A. C., & Lasley, T. J. (2004).Strategies for Effective Teaching. (4th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.
Waite, D. (1995). Rethinking Instructional Supervision: Notes on Its Language and Culture. New Prospects Series: 1.
Your instructional method you're showing style is formed by these attributes, affected by your own training, and turns into the aide you use to teach your students. Learning is a cooperative effort, requiring engagement on the parts of both students and teachers. Each student also has their own learning style: they learn at their own pace and in their own ways. While I is important to establish your teaching style, you should also be flexible enough to take the learning styles of your students into account.
Physical education must be mandatory for students all over the world. It provides many conveniences for children later in life. Sports in school encourage kids to play more outside of school and from there, their health increases. Unquestionably, physical education improves kids’
Marzano, R.J. (2007). The art and science of teaching. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
When it comes to teaching, there are many different ways and types of methods you can use to teach your students. One of the most common ways of teaching is by using Sport Education. This type of teaching style is best used for elementary students. According to Daryl Siedentop, a professor from Ohio State University believes that class should teach kids about skills, teamwork, and the importance behind each sport or activity. Sport Education recreates the meaning behind gym class.
Although these pedagogical terms seem interchangeable, in fact they are at different ends of the teaching spectrum (Mosston and Ashworth, 2002). An effective teacher or coach would adapt his technique or style to suit the needs of the athlete depending on capability, age and goals. An elite football coach would tactically instruct players according to their skills, whereas a school football coach would teach fundamental motor and football skills through demonstrations and verbal instruction (Trottier and Robitaille, 2014; Côté and Fraser-Thomas, 2007). The application of the term pedagogy in both scenarios may be criticized as teacher is more appropriate in the latter and coach in the former. Gilbert (2002) stated the teacher phase of pedagogy involves behavior, cognitive development and measurement; sometimes without establishing the student’s individual needs.
The one belief I had about teaching that has changed since I began this unit, is that all teachers, more or less, taught in the same way. Perhaps this is a belief that I had formed from my own time at school, where all my teachers taught in the same way; some were more or less effective, but I wasn’t aware of them using theories or methods as such, more that they were or weren’t kind people. This belief has changed and it has really opened my ideas to the many creative models, and instructional methods a teacher can use.
All are important in the execution of this teaching style. The first step is introduction of the game. In this step the game is first introduced. But it should not be the full version of the game, it should be modified to give an idea of the more advanced game form. So if we say we were going to teach volleyball to students, instead of jumping right into a volleyball game or having the students try it, modify the game to get the students to come up with their own tactical way of playing. To start, split the students into two teams. One team on one side of the net and one on the other, tell the students they have to make three passes on their side then throw the ball over the net on the third pass. The second step is gam appreciation. Here you give the students a general understanding of the rules of the game. Explain to them the boundaries of the court and that in order for their team to get a point, the ball must hit the floor when tossed to the other side. The third step is tactical awareness. In this step students must identify with their team what tactics will wrk and what they need to do in order to win the game or activity. So here, the students would talk amongst their teammates to determine what will make them successful. For example, if they make quicker passes or throw the ball into a more empty space. The fourth step is decision making. Here the teacher asks thought provoking questions that get students
Pike, B., & Bradley, F. (1997). The philosophy of teaching: Developing a statement that thrives in the classroom. Clearing House, 70(3), 125. Retrieved October 6, 2011 from
Thought out our lives, we are faced with many different learning experiences. Some of these experiences have made a better impact than others. This can be attributed to everyone’s different multiple intelligences or learning styles. A persons learning style is the method though which they gain information about their environment. As a teacher, it is our responsibility to know these styles, so we can reach each of our students and use all of the necessary methods.
Physical Education (PE) can be extremely difficult to define as it is fluid and is constantly changing throughout history. A broad, simple definition from the organisation (UNESCO) defines the term ‘physical education and sport’ as