Different Interpretations of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Different Interpretations of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

The Beatles wrote this in the 1960’s but they certainly were not the

first to think it. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” was based

around this sentiment. It is a story of love, passion, romance,

betrayal, life and of course, death.

In the late 1990’s Baz Luhrmann produced one of the most controversial

interpretations of a Shakespeare play. He shot it in modern costume

with modern settings, though he kept the original text. Using Verona

Beach, Los Angles as his setting and Leonardo DiCaprio as his leading

man, Luhrmann made it into a Hollywood movie and one of the biggest

blockbuster hits of the 90’s.

However 20 years earlier Franco Zephirelli had shot his classic

interpretation of the film-using period costume. This film follows the

script fairly closely and is close to how Shakespeare would have had

it performed.

Even stage productions of the classic tragedy have been updated. Not

long ago the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford put on a modern

interpretation, which was apparently much like the 1970’s cult film

“Grease” centring around fast cars and leather jackets.

The RSC production that our class saw was much closer to an original

Shakespeare production: however it was of poor quality, many of our

girls feeling that they could have acted the parts more convincingly


The characters of the play are complex: they blossom and unveil

themselves throughout the play; first impressions are not always


Juliet Capulet, the only child of Lord and Lady Capulet, whose rivalry

with the Montague family has been alive as long...

... middle of paper ...


The two die with each other, for each other. It is the ultimate gift

or sacrifice that can be made for the one you love. I don’t know how

relevant the story would be today even though the lovers are

immortalised in words and film. The age of Romeo and Juliet does give

me doubts about the strength of the bonds and the love between the two

in the early scenes of the play. However as the feelings deepen and

the actions become more irrational, I realise that they are definitely

in love. Their relationship is honest, equal and true. I don’t know

how many people would say nowadays that they would die for their

partner, but we must remember this tragedy is fictional; it was

written in a much simpler world. Whichever way I look at it though,

Romeo and Juliet are the original lovers and will be so until love

itself dies.

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