Differences Between Paradise Lost And Macbeth

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We all battle good and evil, right and wrong, moral or immoral, internally on an everyday basis. A good person, by society’s standards, will always be compelled to do the good thing, the right thing, the moral thing. However, to be compelled to do the right thing does not signify and in no means guarantee that an internal battle between good and evil is not being fought, or that good will win. Sometimes, more often than not, the evil, wrong, immoral side of the fight presents such an alluring personal gain that these “Good Men”, no matter how compelled to do the opposite, succumb to it. In both William Shakespeare’s Macbeth and John Milton’s Paradise Lost the main character rationalizes their evil deeds with good intentions. However, both writers managed to create characters with similar internal rationalizations but with a different outlook on the outcome of their actions. Macbeth and Satan both initially are presented as the cream of the crop. Macbeth is an honorable, brave warrior, who 's battlefield notoriety brings great honor to his name. Macbeth, holding a great amount of recognition …show more content…

All good men need a a good reason to keep doing what they are doing especially if they know that it is wrong. Macbeth’s rationalization is evident when he states, “Thou marvell’st at my words: but holds thee still;/Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill…”(39). The writer continues to use weighted words such as “marvell’st” ,which has a positive meaning,and “ill”, which has a negative one, to further illustrate and allow the reader to visualize the downward spiral of Macbeth. Furthermore, it is clear to the reader that although the internal conflict continues it is evident evil is taking over the character. He continues to be subdued by his evil actions and completely gives in. Macbeth relates to his wife the

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