Differences Between Marijuana And Alcohol

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Marijuana and Alcohol: Dispelling Ignorance

People are constantly in search of euphoric feelings, social stimulants, and ways to relax, perhaps after a tiring week of work; marijuana and alcohol are two of the most popular options of citizens in the United States. Perceptions of the two often intertwine with one another, causing confusion about the nature of both. This ignorance is the reasoning for the writing of this paper. Although similar, the effects of marijuana and alcohol have clear differences. Both substances have many supporters and opponents, but only alcohol is fully legal. Each of the two have their own benefits, such as a cooking ingredient, when used responsibly. The United States government and portrayals in media have …show more content…

It was brought to the colonies by the settlers. On American plantations it was grown along with cotton and tobacco and sold as a remunerative cash crop. George Washington is known to have grown cannabis on his plantation in Mount Vernon. Movies, such as Reefer madness, along with other propaganda, caused widespread hysteria towards marijuana in the first half of the twentieth century. It was eventually made illegal and classified as a Schedule 1 drug in 1937. Although the plant is still illegal in most states, it is widely used by people across the country, in every walk of life. There are those who use cannabis for medicinal purposes and others who simply use it recreationally. Since the legalization of …show more content…

Several states have allowed the sale of cannabis for medicinal purposes, but only two have done so for recreational purposes. In 2007 the U.S. Government made approximately six million dollars in tax revenue from the sale of alcohol. If marijuana was to be legalized in every state, it is estimated that the government could generate an additional 10 billion to 120 billion dollars a year. Alcohol can only be consumed in a limited amount of ways and only serves one purpose, but there are numerous possibilities for the manufacturing of cannabis. The plant is unique because it can be used to make products such as paper, rope, and clothing. One of the reasons people who oppose cannabis and alcohol do so, is because the use of the substances by minors . They are overlooking one obvious fact; minors have always found ways to consume marijuana and alcohol, regardless of restrictions. In Colorado, a pioneering state for cannabis legalization, it was found that the teen use marijuana decreased once recreational use became regulated. Alcohol and cannabis can be sold in the same manner, so they both have the potential to positively affect the economy. Both can also be illegally sold. Marijuana is generally sold in an underground black market and home made alcohol, called moonshine, is sold in a similar fashion. The ATF and DEA both serve as forces to regulate this illegal sale. If laws pertaining to

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