Difference Between Spoken Language And Written Language

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Language is the most basic of building blocks for communication in any culture; it is necessary in order to convey ideas, feelings and thoughts to others (Essberger, 2001). Spoken language is among the first skills that we acquire, with first words usually spoken within the first two years of life. (Bright, 2012) It is a natural progression and comes from an inate capacity to learn language as well as a product of our environment and socialisation. Written language, however, must be taught (Essberger, 2001) and is acquired through applied learning and continual honing of the skill. This is only one of the many differences between spoken language and written language. Spoken language is transient, they pass away once spoken (Essberger, …show more content…

(Emmitt, Zbaracki, Komesaroff, & Pollock, 2010). For example, Aboriginal children may not feel the need to answer the teacher when asked a direct question or will not make eye contact with the teacher. Their responses may be different to that of other students.

The function of student to teacher communication in the classroom is often to enquire and convey information. As much as possible, students will attempt to use Standard Australian English in a semi-formal register when speaking to the teacher. Some examples of this may be “What do I have to do, Mrs Richardson?”, “Can I please go to the toilet, Mr Bloom?” or “Miss Smith, I have lost my book”.

Students generally speak informally to each other and the functions are to entertain themselves and others, convey information or control. Some examples of this are “Let’s play house. I’ll be the Mum and you can be the baby”, “I had Maccas for tea last night. It was yum!” and “My bike is pink with yellow ribbons on the handles”. Students developing their English speaking skills may have limited comprehension and speak fewer words, using the present tense only. Some examples are “I give book to teacher”, “drink, please” and “play ball?”


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