Difference Between Skiing And Snowboarding

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There are many different aspects when you are contrasting the difference between skiing and snowboarding and which one is more beneficial in different ways. Rivalries have always been present when it comes to snowboarding and skiing and the difference between the both of them. Some people would say that skiing is better and some people might say snowboarding is better, but in this facts will be presented on why snowboarding is the better decision when it comes to health benefits. Some of those reasons make a great amount of sense for example snowboarding burns more calories, snowboarding snowboarding attacks your core muscle like a cobra and snowboarding causes less injuries which means more people could make snowboarding their forte. The …show more content…

Snowboarding will slaughter your midsection and to me that is more important than your quads and hamstrings, yes they are important but core muscle has more impact on everything then your legs have on your life. Because you are using more of your core rather than legs it will create a core exercise because you are put in one blade or board, you have both feet locked in and you can't only use your legs to move a snowboard like you can when you ski. “Balancing yourself on one blade instead of two forces you to utilize your entire core to balance yourself (Hannon).” This quote continues the realization of the fact that snowboarding is more beneficial than skiing. People will just never understand how inscrutable snowboarding is and how deft you must be to do it. It takes a lot to snowboard and that includes almost every muscle in your body mostly being your core muscle. Your core muscle is what will decide whether you can be successful at snowboarding or not because you are hooked into one snowboard it takes your core muscles to move your board, if you have ever snowboarded before then you will know that your whole foot all the way up to your ankle is locked into your bindings and you can not use you legs to turn you unless you plan on breaking your knees and in skiing you can use your core muscle but no where near as much as snowboarding …show more content…

“Skiing is more beneficial to the quads and hamstrings and improves more of your ankles and calves muscles.”(What's a better…) Skiing could be a better workout once again because of the fact that it is more beneficial to the legs and calves and does not focus on the core like snowboarding does. Another why skiing could be more beneficial is also more beneficial to the thighs due to the fact that you are always carving and turning and it takes thigh muscle to turn that sharp and quickly like skiers do. Skiing is a huge provider in advancing your ankle muscles and their are not many exercises that can enhance your ankle muscles so skiing could be the answer to your ankle muscle needs. The use of two blades instead of one will enhance your calves greatly and you will definitely feel the difference when you are skiing because of those sharp turns and the outrageous speeds that could attack your calves and that is a good thing and that could be better than attacking the core depending on what you want if you want to enhance your core you should snowboard if you want to enhance your calves then you should hit the skiing. Skiing could help you more or could not help it all depends on what you want, my opinion is to go for snowboarding because snowboarding is more fun, more calories,

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