Difference Between Nutrition Education And Food Education

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Food Education Versus Nutrition Education
Nutrition is closely related to people’s health and well-being, especially children’s growth and development. The relationship between nutrition and health involves many dietary components. The most critical component is the food we eat to obtain nutrients. Education about food and its nutrients is sometimes referred to as food education.

There is scant literature discussing the difference between food education and nutrition education, with most people using the word nutrition education. Only Japanese researchers prefer to use food education, and it refers to guide people with food-related knowledge and skills and develop healthy eating habits. Nutrition education can be viewed as a part of food education, but there are many other items including in food education, like culinary culture and tradition, cooking, farming, and agriculture(Kimura 2011).

There are various definitions of nutrition education and the most widely accepted one is claimed by Contento as “any combination of educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to facilitate voluntary adoption of food choices and other food- and nutrition-related behaviors conducive to health and well-being.” (Contento 2008).

In other words, since food-and …show more content…

Some researches focusing on cost-benefit analyses find that nutrition education program could be economically beneficial. One program indicated that for every dollar in costs of delivering the program, the mean economic benefit to participants was about $10 (Rajgopal et al. 2002). And nutrition education program could improve “quality of life years”, so participants are likely to spend less on health care in the future (Dollahite, Kenkel, & Thompson 2008). It is of great value to invest children's health, and good health during children’s early years could result in good education attainment and productivity in their adulthood (Belli et al.

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