Diesel Mechanics Research Paper

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Diesel Mechanics are vital to keep the truck running at their pinical of performance. WIthout diesel trucks to deliver merchendice to the stores on the inner most states of America there would have to be more factories in the more wooded areas. South Dakota is an agricultural state and the only way the higher populated states on the coast can receive our crops is by hauling it in a diesel truck. Though the career I have chosen does polute the environment, it does provided fresh and organic food to the citizens across the nation. If diesel mechanics no longer existed every day life would be very different. The states on the coast would not be as heavily populated as they are today. Everyone would have to own or be related to sombody that owns a farm or ranch to receive the proper nurishment they need. With all the ranchers around the cattle population would have to rise as well. With more cattle around the price for them would go down because the the surplus. It would be very difficult to sell any kind of food produced on a farm because everybody would already be selling their own produce. Without the sales of produce it will become very difficult to purchase anything from fuel and toothpaste to textbooks and medical supplies. Hospitals would …show more content…

As I thought about it, I found great pride in becoming a diesel mechanic. Before writing this esay I just liked what they got to do, but now I see how infulential they are to everybody. Diesel mechanics are purtinent to todays economy and our way of life. I know that not every kid wishes to become a mechanic one day, but that is why I admire their line of work. In a way they are the unsung heros of the road. I say this only to emphasis how important they are to me personally. If a semi has an issue while driving down the road many people can be hurt by this error. Lets keep the roads safe with smart mechanics behind the

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