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Similarity Between Religious And Science
Similarity Between Religious And Science
Similarity Between Religious And Science
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Cameron Wagstaff History 112 11:10 period Question 1 and Answer (477 words) Science How did the church react to the scientific research done by scientists during the early scientific revolution? One of the first controversial scientists was Roger Bacon. He was one of the first scientists to believe that scientific ideas needed to be tested. The general acceptance of the time was to believe what the church told the people, whether or not the ideas had been tested. Bacon was often controversial not because he simply believed that ideas needed to be tested but because he took joy in telling others that they were wrong, often in not the nicest of ways. “Phrases like “damned fools,” “ignorant asses,” “inept buffoons,” and “miserable idiots” pepper
During the Scientific Revolution, the struggle between faith and reason was exhibited through Galileo and his discoveries. The Catholic Church during the time period of the Scientific Revolution did not approve of any outside scientists who came up with new theories and observations. The Church believed that all information about how the world worked was in the bible and that was the only right source. In an excerpt from “What is Scientific Authority?” written by Galileo in 1615, it states, “Showing a greater fondness for their [Catholic Church’s] own opinions than for truth, they sought to deny & disprove the new things which, if they had cared to look for themselves, their own senses would have demonstrated to them…” Galileo Galilei himself knew that the Church was not willing to approve of new ideas from other scientists, but only from the teachings in the Bible. Later on in the excerpt, Galileo writes, “They [Catholic Church] hurled various charges &…made the grave mistake of sprinkling these with passages taken from places in the Bible which they had failed to understand properl...
The Scientific Revolution, during the 16th and 18th centuries, was a time of conflict. It was not a hand-to-hand martial conflict. It was a conflict of advancement, similar to the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union. However, it was between the thinkers of the Scientific Revolution, such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei, and the Roman Catholic Church. At the time, the Catholic Church was the most powerful religious body in Europe. It controlled everything from education to faith to finances. Thinkers like Galileo took the risk and went against the church. This is shown through the documents below. Those documents tell the story of Galileo and how he was forced to revoke his support of heliocentrism by the church. The documents below also show the struggle between faith and reason that existed during this era of advancement by hindering the flourishment of the sciences by stating that it did not agree with the Bible and naming these early scientists as heretics.
One of the most visible critics of science today, and the progenitor of the anti-science sentiment is the religious community, specifically the conservative Christians. One can hardly read the newspaper without reading of one religious figurehead or another preaching on the "fallacy of science," pushing their own brand of "truth" on whoever would hear them. As Bishop writes "It is discouraging to think than more than a century after the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species (1859), and seventy years after the Scopes trial dramatized the issue, the same battles must still be fought."(256) And the loudest rallying cries to these battles can be heard issuing from the throats of the ranks of zealots and their hordes of followers.
The Scientific Revolution marked a major shift in Western thought between the 1500s and 1700s. Modern science emerged as a way of gaining true knowledge about the natural world. During the time, science was a field dominated by men. Women were believed to be incapable of anything outside their domestic sphere. There was a social stigma regarding women in science. Society had varying reactions toward women working in the sciences, the majority of which were negative. However, some were accepting of women and their contributions to science. The Scientific Revolution had little impact on the way society viewed women. Women continued to be subject to restrictive gender roles.
Feingold, Mordechai, ed. The New Science and Jesuit Science: Seventeenth Century Perspectives. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2003. Print.
Throughout history, conflicts between faith and reason took the forms of religion and free thinking. In the times of the Old Regime, people like Copernicus and Galileo were often punished for having views that contradicted the beliefs of the church. The strict control of the church was severely weakened around the beginning of the nineteenth century when the Old Regime ended. As the church's control decreased, science and intellectual thinking seemed to advance. While the people in the world became more educated, the church worked harder to maintain its influential position in society and keep the Christian faith strong. In the mid-nineteenth century, the church's task to keep people's faith strong became much harder, due to theories published by free thinkers like Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, David Friedrich Strauss, and others. These men published controversial theories that hammered away at the foundation on which the Christian church was built. As the nineteenth century progressed, more doubts began to arise about the basic faiths of the Christian church.
Throughout the Renaissance Era, the Christian faith was looked up upon highly and was followed by a majority. Scientist’s of that era recognized the church as the one thing that was the truth. “[It’s] as well to say that Christ was not born a virgin”(Bellarmine p.g. 34). “The motion of the heart was only to be comprehended by God” (Harvey p.g. 45). Both Bellarmine and Harvey believed in God. So when they found evidence that proved what the church said, they tread carefully. “The universe is a mechanical system in mathematical terms.” (Descartes p.g. 46). Descartes found proof that the earth was not the center of the universe but the sun was. This caused these men to proceed with caution.
The modern science view as well as the Scientific Revolution can be argued that it began with Copernicus’ heliocentric theory; his staunch questioning of the prior geocentric worldview led to the proposal of a new idea that the Earth is not in fact the center of the solar system, but simply revolving around the Sun. Although this is accepted as common sense today, the period in which Copernicus proposed this idea was ground-breaking, controversial, and frankly, world-changing. The Church had an immense amount of power, and was a force to be reckoned with; in the beginning of the Scientific Revolution, new scientific proposals and ideas were discouraged in many cases by the Church. A quote from Galileo’s Children does an excellent job summing up the conflict: “The struggle of Galileo against Church dogma concerning the nature of the cosmos epitomized the great, inevitable and continuing clash between religion and reason.” If evidence goes against scripture, the scientist is considered a heretic and is, like in Galileo’s case, forbidden to discuss the ideas any further. Galileo Galilei, who proposed solid evidence and theory supporting the heliocentric model, was forced to go back on his beliefs in front of several high officials, and distance himself from the Copernican model. This, luckily, allowed him to not be killed as a heretic, which was the next level of punishment for the crimes he was charged with, had he not went back on his beliefs. Incredible support was given through the young developing academies with a sense of community for scientists and academics; “Renaissance science academies represent a late manifestation of the humanist academy movement.” Since the Church was grounded traditionally evidence that went agains...
The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment paved the way for people to think about knowledge differently through the development of independent reasoning, emphasis on discovering truths separate from religion, and the rise of individuality. The Scientific Revolution had sparked changes in ways of thinking of knowledge by emphasizing that knowledge isn’t always derived from religion. For example, Galileo Galilei, a rising physicist of that time, argued that “the Bible is not chained in every expression to conditions as strict as those which govern all physical effects” (Galilei) in order to defend the heliocentric idea that many people opposed at the time. In making this comment, Galileo demonstrates that science and religion can coexist, and there are times when these
In those days the cathedral would charge anyone with heresy if they try and use science above the church teachings. The church was a little skeptical about the teaching of science, but did not block individuals from studying science; science did not progress during the Middle Ages, but the church finally reorganized how important it was towards the benefits of medical advancements. During the Middle Ages the Romans was the central foundation of science. Most innovations, investigation and speculations about science explorations were directed by the
The Scientific revolution was a crucial part in the seventeenth century due to its great expanse of knowledge, intelligence and prosperity among philosophers. Before the beginning of the scientific revolution, most ideals and standards were set on religious beliefs. During the revolution, most philosophers were convicted of heresy due to their swaying from standard religious doctrine. Though the theories and ideas made in the revolution were against church teachings, they allowed science to become what it is today.
In conclusion, the scientific revolution brought dramatic change in the way people lived their lives, and it certainly influenced eighteenth century free-thinking. The scientific method was comprehensively utilized during the eighteenth century to study human behavior and societies. It enabled scientist and scholars alike to exercise their freedom of rationality so they could come to their own conclusions about religion and humanity as a whole. They could finally do so without having to defer to the dictates of established authorities.
The changes produced during the Scientific Revolution were not rapid but developed slowly and in an experimental way. Although its effects were highly influential, the forerunners Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and Rene Descartes only had a few hundred followers. Each pioneered unique ideas that challenged the current views of human beingsí relationship with nature. With the backing of empirical observation and mathematical proof, these ideas slowly gained acceptance. As a result, the operation of society, along with prior grounds for faith were reconsidered. Their ideas promoted change and reform for humansí well-being on earth.
Over the course of the years, society has been reformed by new ideas of science. We learn more and more about global warming, outer space, and technology. However, this pattern of gaining knowledge did not pick up significantly until the Scientific Revolution. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the Scientific Revolution started, which concerned the fields of astronomy, mechanics, and medicine. These new scientists used math and observations strongly contradicting religious thought at the time, which was dependent on the Aristotelian-Ptolemy theory. However, astronomers like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton accepted the heliocentric theory. Astronomical findings of the Scientific Revolution disproved the fact that humans were the center of everything, ultimately causing people to question theology’s role in science and sparking the idea that people were capable of reasoning for themselves.
Some indifferences or obstacles in history lead theories to be “discarded” by the scientific community. During the Renaissance, Galileo who was an astronomer, developed a theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun, and not vice versa as it was thought at the time. Galileo’s theory was not accepted by the Church and the general population. When Galileo was alive, the Pope was the ruling authority. People followed the commands of the Church as truth, and as an explanation of their place in the word and the universe. Galileo’s theory challenged the views of the Church and how people viewed themselves as part of the world. Galileo’s theory eventually came to be accepted as a fact. Today, his theory is accepted by the scientific community and people at large. His theory was discarded at first by prominent figures in history but later on with advancements in scien...