Copernicus and the Controversial Heliocentric Theory

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My client, Nicolaus Copernicus, discovered the Heliocentric or “Sun-centered” theory in 1543. The “Sun-centered” theory explains, that our universe revolves around the Sun and not the Earth. Because of this theory, he is being thrown in jail. For coming up with a sun correct theory! He reached this theories conclusion after a lot of studying and research. He also has evidence to why his theory is true and to why he should not be thrown in jail. The two main reasons to why he does not deserve to be thrown in jail. First, just because Copernicus dedicated one of his books to Pope Paul lll and said that the Catholic church should take things more easily, does not mean he was being rude to the pope. Second, Copernicus also has evidence to support his theory. Also, some might think his argument is weak and they shouldn’t believe him. To begin, just because Copernicus devoted one of his books to Pope Paul lll, does not mean he is disrespecting him. When Mr.Copernicus published “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium” in 1543, he devoted the book to Pope Paul lll. He did this to attempt to tell the Church to calm down a little. On it states, “If his tribute to the religious leader was an attempt to cull the Catholic Church's softer reception, it was to no avail”. This shows that he clearly did not …show more content…

You can not be biased, you will have to stand for the truth. He has evidence that his theory is true. He even has another scientist to prove he is correct. When he wrote “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium”, dedicating it to Pope Paul lll, he was being completely respectful and he was only trying send the Catholic Church a message to calm down a little. Even though some might think his argument is weak, do not believe them. This not true! After presenting you with clear evidence, I am asking you to not throw Nicolaus Copernicus in jail for his “Sun-centered”

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