Devotion and Commitment

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Devotion and Commitment

When a lover gives oneself to another, is it devotion or commitment? It is difficult to say because it would depend on what type of relationship the two have with each other. Ideal love should be based on devotion because it is in a sense that devotion is unconditional and flexible. Commitment seems to be more like something that you have to agree to or given to, mercy. It also appears to be something that one would have to teach oneself to know.

Commitment shouldn't be something that should be practiced in a relationship. Commitment is different from devotion because of how it is similar to when a person signs a contract. The person is now constrained to a certain set of rules and obligations the person must fulfill. Whereas devotion has no pathway, it may go wherever love leads it. Commitment is more work than it is play. One has to discipline oneself and have the willpower to complete a desired goal. Practicing commitment in a relationship is not ideal because love isn't needed in this type of relationship. It is simply implying that a person needs...

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