Destruction In Maupassant's In The Necklace

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There are two types of people in this world, there are those who are satisfied with what they have, and their are those who acquire more because they are not pleased with what they have, however ultimately that drive of wanting more can lead to learn a valuable lesson. In the necklace by Guy de Maupassant tells the story of a young woman and her husband who by greed and simply wanting more payed a price. Even though Mathilde had the utmost aspiration for what she desired and she is the one with the majority to blame. Nevertheless, she is partially to blame because her husband should have stepped in and been the bigger person, instead he fed her ego in what she wanted and at the end it led to a mighty disaster. Some readers believe …show more content…

She wanted nothing but luxury and wealth and she wasn't content with what she had. Her husband who was a clerk gave her an invitation to a wonderful ball, she wanted to attend and he went through many difficulties to get that invention, however it still wasn't enough for her she needed a dress which is understandable no woman wants to wear any simple old dress to an elegant ball and moreover a dress that she doesn't see fit for the occasion, so of course he said “come, let us see, Mathilde. How much would it cost, a suitable dress,which you could use on other occasions. Something very simple?” (Maupassant,60 ). Even if he couldn't afford a new dress he went out of his way and got her a beautiful dress, but of course it still wasn't enough for her she needed more she wanted a necklace and she borrowed what appeared to be a very expensive necklace from her friend, unfortunately life took a different turn when she lost the necklace and she had to work many years to repay that necklace back to then come to find out that it was a fake necklace. Mathilde did not see it, but she had a very good life, regardless that she fantasized over richness and materialistic things, moreover she quickly came to find out that everything that shines ain't

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