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Punishment within the criminal justice system
Punishment commonly used in our society
Punishment within the criminal justice system
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The Courthouse When we are young, most of us are somewhat naive. We are inherently taught that good will always triumph over evil. A courthouse is the forum where evil should be dealt with. But, in reality, this is seldom the case. The county courthouse looks like a typical courthouse. The courthouse itself looks like a place where justice is served. It is a Romanesque building, three stories high, with large pillars in the front. Ivy grows up one side of the building. The green grass in the courtyard is immaculately kept. The United States flag flies high above the building. Etched in stone on the front wall of the courthouse are the words" truth, justice, and liberty." This is a place where one should feel truly safe. As I walk inside the cold and quiet building, a young woman is talking with the circuit court clerk. She is very innocent looking, with blond hair and a petite figure. She seems to be getting more upset by the second. The young lady finally erupts, yelling and almost crying. Her ex-husband has not paid her child support in a month, and she cannot buy diapers for her baby. The clerk tells her that nobody can do anything about it until he is six months behind in his support. After five more minutes of intense arguing, the young lady, now engulfed in tears, leaves. The clerk shrugs and turns around. The building seems colder upstairs. There almost seems to be a dampness in the air. Down a corridor there are empty offices and paintings of important looking people. I recognize two of them as Washington and Jefferson. In between them is a copy of the constitution. As I read it I chuckle, and wonder if this government is really what they had in mind. Farther down the hall I hear voices. The general court is in session. Inside the courtroom, a scruffy-looking man is in front of the judge. He has been charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest. He does not seem nervous; he has probably done this before. I assume he will be put in jail for a little while, at the least. The judge tells the man that he does not want to see him in court
If convicted, he faces up to eight years in prison on the most serious charge, which is a second-degree felony.
In contrast to Macbeth’s love for his wife, in Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’ there is an absence of the romanticised emotion of love. The Duke refers to his wife as ‘My Last Duchess. Here the use of the possessive pronoun ‘my’ gives us the idea from the outset that the Duke saw his wife as merely a possession. The iambic pentameter of ten syllables per line used in the poem also emphasises possession by stressing ‘my’ further in the pattern. Browning’s portrayal of love is one that is absent of emotional attachment, but instead something by which he could possess and have power over her. It could be argued that there are similarities in the way that Lady Macbeth also uses the emotion of love. Being in the form of a dramatic monologue, use
USAID FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. (2005). Model Court Initiative Court Administration Reform Intervention Plan Annex 3.5 - Case Backlog Reduction/Purging Plans . Retrieved from http://www.usaidjsdp.ba/old_page/en/dokumenti/3%20Intervention%20Plan/Annex%203.5%20-%20Case%20Backlog%20Reduction%20Purging%20Plans.pdf
The United States Government has three distinct branches of government. The branches include: the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch, and the Executive Branch. The Supreme Court Building is the home of the Judicial Branch. It is in our nation's capital, Washington, DC. This building is crucial for the government because the Supreme Court determines the Constitutionality of laws.
For my court ethnography I observed plea, bail, and family court in the city of Milton. However, it was called the Ontario superior court of justice. When I first entered a court it looked exactly like what I had seen in movies. The court setup, the vernacular used, and the customs of the court employees were exactly like what mainstream media has displayed to the public over the years. Entering the court, symbols of justice were exhibited everywhere in the courtroom. In the courtroom all kinds of cases were occurring, and people from all types of backgrounds were involved. Observing the inner workings of our justice system gave me invaluable insight on how law and order is preserved in our society. Furthermore, I also got to witness the specific
“Witness for the Prosecution” superbly demonstrated a realist view of the operating procedures in a courtroom. The actors within the courtroom were easy to identify, and the steps transitioned smoothly from the arrest to the reading of the verdict. The murder trial of Leonard Vole provided realistic insight into how laws on the books are used in courtroom proceedings. With the inferior elements noted, the superior element of the court system in “Witness for the Prosecution” was the use of the adversary system. Both sides of the adversary system were flawlessly protrayed when the prosecution and defense squared off in the courtroom.
I attended the Circuit Court at 140 Blountville Bypass Blountville, TN on April 24th, 2014. I sat in on Judge Robert Montgomery’s court. Judge Montgomery started court promptly at 9:00 a.m. After going through the metal detectors, I asked the officer working the metal dictator if I could ask to sit in on a criminal court that was going on that morning. He then directed me to the printed docket on the table in the waiting area. The docket is the official schedule of proceedings in lawsuits pending in a court of law. Courtroom 1 had seven pages of cases ranging from violations of probation to rape of a child and Courtroom 2 had one jury trial case of a vehicular homicide that finished the day before. I walked into the administration office and asked if I could get a copy of the docket for when I sit in on court that day for my Legal Process class. I waited until the bailiff called everyone in, and I went in as well and took a seat in the front row in the middle next to another classmate. After waiting a few minutes the bailiff tells everyone to rise while Judge Robert Montgomery entered the courtroom to begin the proceedings.
In Robert Browning’s dramatic monologues, “Porphyria’s Lover” and “My Last Duchess”, both portray women that are killed by their significant others. In “Porphyria’s Lover” her lover seems to be obsessed and not wanting to let her go, whereas in “My Last Duchess”, the speaker appears to be jealous by the woman. By having these two different deaths, why does Browning have the men commit these acts on the woman they love? Perhaps he wants to demonstrate and justify how these acts of crimes where done in the name of love or does he want us to acknowledge certain flaws that made them act on their crimes.
The American Court System is an important part of American history and one of the many assets that makes America stand out from other countries. It thrives for justice through its structured and organized court systems. The structures and organizations are widely influenced by both the State and U.S Constitution. The courts have important characters that used their knowledge and roles to aim for equality and justice. These court systems have been influenced since the beginning of the United State of America. Today, these systems and law continue to change and adapt in order to keep and protect the peoples’ rights.
American courts play an essential role in our justice system. America has a dual court
The courts have the function of giving the public a chance to present themselves whether to prosecute or defend themselves if any disputes against them rise. It is known to everyone that a court is a place where disputes can be settled while using the right and proper procedures. In the Criminal court is the luxury of going through a tedious process of breaking a law. Once you have been arrested and have to go to court because of the arrest, you now have a criminal case appointed against you. The court is also the place where a just, fair and unbiased trial can be heard so that it would not cause any disadvantage to either of the party involved in the dispute. The parties are given a chance to represent themselves or to choose to have a legal representative, which is mostly preferred by many.
At the expiration of this term, twelve of the boys were brought into court at one time, and the scene formed a striking and highly pleasing contrast with their appearance when first arraigned. The judge expressed much pleasure as well as surprise at their appearance, and remarked, that the object of law had been accomplished and expressed his cordial approval of my plan to save and reform" (Martin, 2005).
The roar of the people surrounding me is like being right behind the jet of
Movies have a great impact in influencing how people perceive things. Often times we are painted pictures that hardly ever depict reality. I have always been a fan of the television series called The Practice. I liked it so much that I bought a collection of compact discs for every series that I could get my hands on. The series has painted this vision in my head that once a court is in session, arguments from both sides of the law would fly like daggers as if to pierce each side into submitting defeat. I had this image that lawyers were relentless and unforgiving in arguing against opposing
For my field experience, I chose to attend a court case. On October 14th, 2015 I went to the District of Columbia court and watched a sentencing. It was not at all what I initially expected although after sitting in class for several weeks I was not shocked by it. What surprised me most was the informal, personal nature that the whole process had. The experience was interesting and I feel that I learned a lot from it.