Descriptive Essay On Heaven

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The script above is the literal meaning of heaven in all of its entirety. A place where all the good little boys and girls go after life, living out eternity dancing across stratocumulus clouds and allowing droplets of water to tickle their toes, the scent of primrose and lilies overpowering the astounding old person smell wafting about every edge and angle. It’s a place chock full of grey haired, bleary eyed nuns, chubby, rosy cheeked tots, and everyone of those folks who share those annoying Jesus chain mails. In a literal sense, it’s a place of peace to rest after bearing the pains of mortality. How about in a not so literal sense? What is heaven when it’s not protected by pearly gates? When there isn’t the smell of flowers, but the smell of sludge? What is heaven when a soul is bound to a rock hurling itself carelessly through space? If one finds themselves helplessly trapped in the gravitational pull of the Earth, unable to pass until some otherworldly timer buzzes next to their name, then heaven will look a little different in more than one sense. It will be a little glimmer in a world consumed by hellfire, each sin serving as an ounce of gasoline. Sadly, the only place to find said glimmer is in the smack dab center of it. To reach this twinkle of hope, one …show more content…

They may be compelled to reach out and grasp it, but be wary for the ring of fire around the glimmer is even hotter than the rest. Unless said person is Johnny Cash, they will not fend well against this final enemy. As one begins to approach the final stretch to their heaven in hell, they will be consumed by the blaze, thick smoke invading their lungs with each breath and flames gnawing at their appendages. One mustn't give up now, they’re so close! So, they must continue to trudge on, the pain unbearable until one steps through the small barrier separating them from

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