Descriptive Essay: Montana

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Montana, the state known for being the fourth largest state in the United States. Glacier National park is there in the northern part, close to the canadian border. I had the joy -and misfortune- of visiting a couple years ago. The air at 15,000 feet is cool and crisp, and there is a slight breeze. Nothing overpowering but enough to be noticed. Given the joys of living in the northern Michigan where everyone simply called it God’s country, a breeze like this was completely normal and none of us had noticed it. If it hadn’t been for an unfortunate mistake on my part, I probably would have never noticed it. We had just stopped to take a look at the gorge that had formed where the water that had melted off the glacier and surrounding snowfall …show more content…

The water still surged in between my legs as I stood completely soaked to the bone. I realized just how fast the water was moving. The signs that they had posted everywhere about the fast moving water were something I should have paid more attention to. As I got to the edge where I could climb out, there was my mother with the camera taking pictures of my own stupidity. That was the defining moment for Montana; those few seconds of adrenaline filled terror. That slight mountain breeze now was bone chilling. Luckily, the truck wasn’t parked too far away and I had a change of clothes available. This little joy ride had lasted for only a couple of seconds. I swear to this day that someone higher decided to smite me that day but in a hurry changed their mind. Probably was a good thing I hadn't been wearing my glasses or I would have lost them for sure. I came close to the edge of death that day, and this would only be the second of several close encounters with death.I almost lost the game that day. Made me realize how special the gift of life really is. This does not stop me from bragging about my encounters however. Never have I been in a severe life threatening situation, so I can not say that I have been to the edge but I feel like I have been as close as one could

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