Descriptive Essay About Paris

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France: good food, good wine and cigarettes. This has been the accepted view of France. During my 9 days in France, the first destination was Dijon which is one of the best preserved historical centers. Dijon provides a fantastic home base for a laid - back vacation of enjoying France’s rural culture. Seeing city buses cross the small city seems to come from a fairy tale. Besides, it is commonly believed that Paris combines modernity and tradition, also. In Paris, Tour Montparnasse has 56 floors, which provides beautiful panoramic view of Paris. The view of the Eiffel Tower’s lights show and LesInvalides’s golden housetop are memorable. In Paris, many places of historical interest are still in use today. The historical buildings in Paris today …show more content…

The last day in Dijon we looked around a market, I had an opportunity to stock up on the region’s specialties. Seafood and cheese took up half of the market. Yoghurt is a favorite beverage because of nutrition in yoghurt and eating yoghurt leads to sense of fullness, it becomes a slimming food. Some retailers sell homemade yoghurt which does not contain added sugar or food colorings. In France, the country is famous for its cheese and there are well over 400 different types of cheeses in total. One disappointment is that I didn’t find snails in the local market, perhaps because snails are hard to clean so they are not a good selection to cook at home. Also, the French bread and wine have a long and varied history which can’t be ignored. French bread is consumed by millions every day and has the highest frequency to appear on the dining table. “French bread is a characteristic loaf with tightly controlled ingredients. In fact, traditional French bread has repetitive flavor French law dictates that the loaves contain only flour, water, yeast and salt in varying quantities.” (Beths. A ,2010). Desserts become a gourmet end-of-the-meal treat. To satisfy the sweet tooth, the most popular desserts in France are Tarte, Mille Feuilles and cream. Macarons are another dessert which can be found in various flavors from traditional to new. Macarons also have the highest failure rate to

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