Descriptive Essay About My Bakery

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As I look down at a picture of my brother and I, millions of memories of us flood my mind. Children have certain places they remember vividly. The memories they have are beyond comparison to any other memory they could ever have. In the crinkled yellow photo, my brother and I are at my grandparents bakery, as we were many times before. We spent what seemed like an eternity playing, eating, cooking, and doing gobs of other activities. The place that holds an abundance of my most beloved memories is my grandparents bakery. The bakery is special to many others and myself for countless reasons. If a bakery owner in the small town of Crawford, Nebraska would not have hired a twelve-year-old boy some 71 years ago, life would not be the same for on …show more content…

My gray curly haired great grandma has skin as thin as the pages of a bible, and the soft touch of a snowflake hitting my skin. My grandma is beautiful. No one would know this beauty unless they have talked to her and seen her bright hazel eyes that could lighten up the sky, a wrinkled smile that look as if it were an aged red rose, and a laugh that could make the most mournful man on earth be joyful. My skinny, but steady great grandpa has hair as white as a winter sky, a mouth I can feel the spit splattering on me as he talks, a voice that is as loud as a train, and a smile that expresses all the bliss in the world. His physical actions are what I love the most, because they are almost childlike, making anyone watch him and feel completely …show more content…

I thank the baker in Crawford for hiring my grandpa, and I thank my grandparents for making the bakery their destiny. The days I spent at the bakery are days I will never forget. Everywhere I look in the bakery I remember memories that warm my heart. Just a peek at the bakery can change my day from good to wonderful. The Home Bakery is a one of a kind place and wishes everyone in the world got the chance to visit it at least

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