Descriptive Essay: A Healing Place

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In my hometown, there is not much to do on any night of the week, so many nights I found myself walking around town with my friends. After walking an hour of so we would often become tired and need a rest. The swing along the Mississippi River was always a great resting spot. The metal swing fits up to four people and has a great view of the Lock and Dam. Although the swing was cold when we first sat down, it would soon warm up and sometimes we would end up staying there for hours just talking. The swing was also beneficial to us in times when we were feeling really stressed. Sitting on the swing gave me rest, relaxation, and peace. This is important to everyone, but many people find it hard to schedule relaxation time. Between school, work, and other activities I often found it difficult to find time to relax and think. Finding a place that is peaceful can be even more difficult for some people. Not many people would think of a swing on the main road into town as a peaceful place, but I found it to be a great place. Places similar to this swing offer a place for people to get away from the hurrying and busyness they experience throughout the day. The place is calm and peaceful, and it offers beautiful sites to look at and watch. It is also secluded and away from much of the busy life of the town.

As I said before, my swing is located right along the main road into town and just outside the business district yet the swing still has a calmness about it. When I had a rough day at school, I would often go there because I knew I could be alone. The swinging motion of the swing reminds me of when I was a small child. The moving back and forth soothes me now just as it did when my mother would rock me back to sleep after I awoke...

... middle of paper ... On our swing in the park, we found ways to heal one another.

Parks are a healing place. They function as a place for people to think and be alone. They are a great place to enjoy beauty while relaxing. Parks are located in ideal spots, such as in the middle of towns and cities, where people can gain access to them very easily. My swing in the park in Bellevue holds many memories for me. Memories of past conversations and even friends that have moved away. Being alone on my swing also helped me in many difficult situations. The time alone gave me time to think and I think sometimes my family found me easier to deal with, because I was not bringing my stressful life home to them. Sitting on the swing, watching the boats go by, and seeing nature's true beauty cut back much of the stress that was building up inside me. I found the swing to be my healing power.

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