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Essay on health care system in australia
Easy on the strengths and weaknesses of the Australian health care system
Essay on health care system in australia
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The health facility in Australia is complex with a mixture of funding, management and regulatory structure. Services are provided by federal, state and local government, as well as private and not-for-profit organisations. Willis and Parry, 2012 (as cited in Willis, Reynolds and Keleher, 2012) describe the Australian health system as a mix of public welfare and private market provision. In public welfare, the majority of expenditure paid for by the government. Medicare is a compulsory, universal, health insurance scheme based on the principle of equal access for all Australians. Medicare is primarily funded through taxation (income, the GST, and the progressive Medicare levy on all taxpayers). Medicare is divided into two parts. First part,
The U.S. healthcare system is very different from Canada’s; in the U.S., most of the citizens within the US are un- insured or under-insured. The U.S. healthcare system operates mostly by the private sector. The U.S. provides a mixture of private insurance, employee-funded, and government programs. As for any direct federal government, funding of health care needs for any of its citizens is limited to programs that include Medicaid, Veteran’s Health Administration Medicare, and Children’s Health Insurance Program, which generates from the taxpayers (McGrail, van Doorslaer, Ross, & Sanmartin, 2009).
For decades, one of the many externalities that the government is trying to solve is the rising costs of healthcare. "Rising healthcare costs have hurt American competitiveness, forced too many families into bankruptcy to get their families the care they need, and driven up our nation's long-term deficit" ("Deficit-Reducing Healthcare Reform," 2014). The United States national government plays a major role in organizing, overseeing, financing, and more so than ever delivering health care (Jaffe, 2009). Though the government does not provide healthcare directly, it serves as a financing agent for publicly funded healthcare programs through the taxation of citizens. The total share of the national publicly funded health spending by various governments amounts to 4 percent of the nation's gross domestic product, GDP (Jaffe, 2009). By 2019, government spending on Medicare and Medicaid is expected to rise to 6 percent and 12 percent by 2050 (Jaffe, 2009). The percentages, documented from the Health Policy Brief (2009) by Jaffe, are from Medicare and Medicaid alone. The rapid rates are not due to increase of enrollment but growth in per capita costs for providing healthcare, especially via Medicare.
Which healthcare system is better between the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) is a very controversial topic in the world. There are many people siding with the US healthcare system yet there also many people siding with the UK healthcare system. There are many reasons behind the people., but I believe the US healthcare system is better.
The Australian Health Care System is regarded world class for its effectiveness and efficiency. It consists of the mix system of health providers in both the private and public sector. The funding mechanism is highly advantageous to its entire citizen, which consists of the 30% Rebate, Pharmaceutical Benefit and Medicare. In particular, Medicare has been ensuring all Australian nationals with access to free and low cost medical, optometric, hospital care with special option to private health services in special circumstances.
Gordon, M., Mintz, J., & Chen, D. (1998). Funding Canada’s health care system: A tax based alternative to privatization. Canadian Medical Association, 159 (5), 493-496.
Mooney, G (2003b). Inequity in Australian health care: how do we progress from here? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 267-270. viewed online 4th September, 2011.
It has one of the highest life expectancies in the world. In order to prevent the smallpox epidemic, the early health care developed in Australia was in 1788, after the arrival of Captain Arthur Phillip and the First Fleet with the establishment of NSW public hospital. Eventually, in 1984 a universal public health insurance scheme; Medicare was introduced to provide free or subsidized treatment. A visit to a GP in Australia costs about $50-$80 , when they are sick. About half of the money is reclaimable through a nationwide Medicare insurance Scheme. Whereas, prescribed drugs mostly are funded through Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) to the residence of Australia, as well as certain foreign visitors. Moreover, treatment in public hospitals is completely covered by Medicare, though people with private health insurance often choose to use private hospitals. For the people in Australia, Australia’s healthcare is delivered in three different areas such as Hospitals (private and public), Primary health care and other recurrent care (AIHW,
Australia’s aging population is mainly the result of a boom in fertility rates during the post WWII period, also with an increase in life expectancy rates present at birth. However, as our aged population grows so does the number of higher risks for certain illnesses and diseases. In Australia, there are an increased percentage of aged people who are living with chronic illnesses and disabilities, which raises the demands for specific health care services, impacting on our health care system. With the high demands for the health-care services, there is a lack in financial resources in order to provide for these services, along with shortages within the workforce.
Medicare is the term that refers to Canada's beneficially, fully funded health care system. In alternative to having a national plan, Canada’s health care insurance plans are segregated depending on the province, or territory an individual inhabits. Through Medicare, all Canadian residents have an advantage to accessing medical aid when needed. In comparison to other countries, which have limited to no access to their health services, Canada is seen as a world leader in medical aid facilities. The development of medicare in Canada had a positive impact in Canadian history because it made Canada an advanced nation, highly fulfilled the needs of society, and profitably impacts every Canadian family. Medicare has already benefited the lives of
The U.S. expends far more on healthcare than any other country in the world, yet we get fewer benefits, less than ideal health outcomes, and a lot of dissatisfaction manifested by unequal access, the significant numbers of uninsured and underinsured Americans, uneven quality, and unconstrained wastes. The financing of healthcare is also complicated, as there is no single payer system and payment schemes vary across payors and providers.
When it comes to health matters, everyone becomes attentive. People believe that with good health, one can virtually accomplish anything that they desire. This is the reason to as why health is given all the attention. It is important to have a clear understanding of the meaning of the term health, healthcare and systems that are put in place to facilitate healthcare.
One of the most commonly debated topics in recent American history has been that of health care. Would Americans be able to reap more benefits if individuals continue to be independent in their pursuits of health care, or would it be beneficial for all if the government introduced more regulations regarding health care, changing our system to resemble those of other developed countries? As more solutions are offered, it becomes harder for people to reach a consensus on the best way to approach this issue. Despite this, America must decide what system of healthcare will benefit the most citizens and improve the quality of life the most. It is becoming increasingly apparent that a universal healthcare system would be the most effective and
A country’s health care system refers to all the institutions, programs, personnel, procedures, and the resources that are used to meet the health needs of its population. Health care systems vary from one country to another, depending on government policies and the health needs of the population. Besides, health care programs are flexible in the sense that they are tailored to meet health needs as they arise. Among the stakeholders in the formulation of a country’s health care system are governments, religious groups, non-governmental organizations, charity organizations, trade/labor unions, and interested individuals (Duckett, 2008). These entities formulate, implement, evaluate, and reform health services according to the needs of the sections of the population they target.
One in six Americans and mostly all of the population 65 years and older, are covered by Medicare. In 2012, Medicare provided for 50.7 million people, 42.1 million aged and 8.5 million disabled, with a total cost of $574 billion. This is about 21% of national health spending and 3.6% of Gross Domestic Product (Davis, 2013). Medicare, being a social insurance program, is required to pay for covered services provided to enrollees so long as the specific criteria is met. On av...
We know many factors influence the health of Canadians in addition to doctors’ care and hospitals. So why does our universal Medicare only restrain its services to doctors’ and hospital services? Canadian Medical Association’s Health Care Transformation proposal states, “Since Medicare was established in the 1960s, care patterns have shifted dramatically – away from being primarily acute care in nature, to broader health needs including prevention, treatment and long-term management of chronic illnesses.” The part of the population and their families who are part of the Canadian work force are covered by annual privately paid health insurances, but those low-income families (part-time, casual, temporary work) are less likely to enjoy such benefits. If Canadians lack mental health services, continuing care, and access to prescription medication, Canada will end up being one of the most unsanitary, unhealthy, and least ideal places live in less than two generations, as health of civilians and social norms define the identity of a nation. Therefore, all Canadians must have access to the full complement of health services. It should include incentives in the system to encourage the prevention of illness, and promote health while addressing the complex contributing pathways affecting health and disease. Furthermore, Canadians must also receive coverage while travelling out of their province or territory. By monitoring the comparability of access to full range access to Medicare all across the nation, it would ensure that all Canadians are treated equally. Better integration of health services would promote equality, by that a peaceful, harmonized, and powerful