Describe Mama

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Words I would use to describe Mama include: 1) Dreamer-in her description of meeting Dee on the Johnny Carson show, 2) Workhorse-able to, “work outside all day, clean a hog, and kill a bull calf ”, (Walker, 1943, p. 477), 3) Hero-due to the fact she pulled her daughter, Maggie from their burning home, 4) Mother-of two daughters, Dee and Maggie, 5) Obese- in reading her statement, “My fat keeps me hot in zero weather” (Walker, 1943, p. 477), 6) Uneducated-only went to school until second grade, 7) Religious-talks about singing church songs to herself, 8) Proud-of her heritage in discussing the quilt’s assembly and pieces especially in describing one piece that, “ was from Great Grandpa Ezra’s uniform that he wore in the Civil War” (Walker, 1943,

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