Derek Jordan Standardized Testing

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Discrepancies in standardized testing scores are also caused by the stress that they inflict. Derek Jordan, a current assistant principal, argues that standardized tests could possibly work, but only with the correct use. Since standardized tests are currently used incorrectly, he observes that the required standardized tests are responsible for “a high level of undue stress among educators and students alike” (Jordan). From Jordan emphasizing the high level of stress, it implies that the level is too high. Another source discussed the findings of a research experiment conducted by Mary M. Donegan and Mary Trepanier-Street to examine the extent to which stress is caused. At the end of the study, the pair concludes, “upper grade teachers felt …show more content…

Derek Jordan unravels more on this topic; he writes, “The Chicago Public Schools are required by federal and state law to improve student performance on standardized tests, which are used to make crucially important decisions about the future of schools” (Jordan). Standardized tests possess too much power to make decisions about the directions that schools will head, especially because the scores from the test do not show a true reflection of the whole school. Jordan continues: Schools that experience higher levels of poverty, violence, gangs, pregnancy and drugs are more likely to be negatively affected by the use of test scores as a school measure. Societal ills may hinder a school's ability to adequately prepare students for tests, yet these schools are expected to maintain the same standards and scores as schools that have selective student enrollment and are located in affluent neighborhoods. Factors outside of the school play a huge role in lowering standardized tests scores. Right now standardized tests are used to punish the schools for factors that may be outside of its control, and this is an unfair practice. Standardized tests should have never been used to make such …show more content…

An excessive amount of money is wasted on consistently making new tests. Alyssa Figueroa researched the amount of money that Pearson, one company known for making standardized tests, makes. She reports, “Currently, Pearson has partnered with 18 states in the U.S., as well as Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, to produce pricey testing materials. For a five-year contract, Pearson was paid $32 million to produce standardized tests for New York. Its contract in Texas was worth $500 million” (Figueroa). Pearson is being promised and has already earned a bulky paycheck to produce tests that are far from perfect; in fact, it can be argued that the negatives of standardized tests outweigh the positives. The point that this is controversial means that we should not spend the excessive amount of money on standardized tests that we currently do. Proponents of standardized testing will likely disagree with the ideas presented. Some may still believe that standardized tests are in fact non-discriminatory because test questions are the same for all students, teaching to the test is a positive because it saves time, and that the tests are not too stressful. All of these claims are incorrect, as they have been disproven. Standardized tests have been found to be discriminatory, teaching to the test suppresses teachers' passion for teaching, and standardized tests

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