Delta Airlines Customer Service

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The secret to businesses thriving is customer satisfaction. Whatever products or services it is selling to its customer, customer satisfaction is key. The airlines know this secret and have been implementing it in their day to day flights.

“Good evening Ms. Smith, thank you for taking this flight. Dinner will be served thirty minutes after departure. Apologies for the delay in your previous flight to Africa last month and inform you that we are well prepared to land in time this time.” This is the kind of services that a few people like Ms. Smith could get after trying their best to achieve the high-class status. This will not be the case anymore because passengers will not need to sit in the first class seats wearing expensive jewelry to qualify for such a treatment. Airlines are planning to use big data in personalizing experiences for as many travellers as they possibly can.

Joe Leader, the chief executive and head of Airline Passenger Experience Association said in a report before the recent …show more content…

Hotel rooms, taxi services and one stop shop services would act as the customers ‘amazon for travelling’. MyRyanair account which some customers have signed up saves people’s personal preference that allows the company to predict the targeted services or products. Kenny Jacobs, the chief marketing officer says, “if a customer is travelling to Alicante with two children, we can offer them a five-seat car for hire.”

Delta, a data-driven, self-styled airline is asking flight attendants to engage in interacting with five passengers who are members of their loyalty program, SkyMiles, on each domestic American flight. “You want to feel valued, we are getting thank-you notes from customers for acknowledging them on the aeroplane . . . Whether apologising for delays or acknowledging their status, we make them feel that they are that valued customer.” Said Allison Ausband the in-flight service vice

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