Delinquency Among Adolescents

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Delinquency Among Adolescents Assignment 1 Analyze how prevalent delinquency is among adolescents. Be sure to include data to support your position. After that be sure to identify and examine what theory best explains juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency is in an ever-changing state. Juveniles and the rates in which juveniles commit acts of delinquency can differ depending on many factors that are not completely understood. We look to understand why delinquency occurs and in doing so researchers and theorist have developed many theories as to why. In today's society delinquency has shown a decrease in many areas, and criminological theories such as the general strain theory can begin to explain why delinquency happens among juveniles. …show more content…

For example, court information instead of arrest records used to determine how prevalent delinquency is among today's adolescents may show a slightly higher or lower percentage of delinquency. With this information, it is important to take into consideration that not all crimes are reported and not all self-reported crimes are completely truthful. Thus, statistics can vary dependent on where the information is collected from. There are many factors and situations that are considered to be the reasons of why delinquency occurs. Keeping in mind that in the consideration of risk factors with juveniles no single factor can predict who will or will not commit a deviant act (Risk Factors for Delinquency, 2015). Societal causes of delinquency use criminological theories that are said to be the most accurate theories to determine deviance in juveniles and why it happens (Week Two: Theoretical Causes of Juvenile Delinquency, (n.d.). To best explain juvenile delinquency, we look to the general strain theory (GST) as to …show more content…

GST consists of three parts of societal strain in relationships which are: the prevention of one to achieve a positive goal, to remove the positive stimuli, not by choice of the individual, and lastly is the appearance of negative and or bad stimuli to the individual (Higgins, Piquero, & Piquero, 2011). These particular strains can and most often produce an undesirable outcome from juveniles. These negative reactions that juveniles may display can vary and range from fear, frustration, rage, and even anger. To help understand the three parts of societal strain in the GST it helps to take a closer look at each. The first part is the prevention of one to achieve a positive goal. This can include the failure of school projects, the failure of courses, all the way to failing out of school. This is the juvenile thinking he or she should have achieved more. The prevention of achievements of a positive goal like the ones listed can lead to the juvenile to feel they have been wronged in some way and act

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