Definition Essay: Pride And Confidence In Oneself

455 Words1 Page

LaQuandaline Wright
Instructor Howell
ENG 1113-53
11 November 2015
Definition Essay
• Self-respect-pride and confidence in oneself. A feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity.

Self-respect is to have manners towards myself. Build pride and have confidence in myself. Self-respect is something every female and male should and want to have in oneself. Respecting yourself and others is what you should want to do. I think self-respect is very important for many people including myself. If I cannot respect myself then who will? Respect comes a long way. Also, having respect can take myself a long way in many things.
Many things including a relationship, friendship, to your elders, school and even a job. People are more likely to go far with just having respect for themselves in others. Just that small characteristics can help myself out with a lot. Say for instances, I failed a test and I needed to make an 80 on it to pass that test, but I made a 78 on it. That is two points that was needed to pass that class. Your teacher could probably really like me because how I treated her with respect …show more content…

That is just respecting what he says and get along with it. That is more important than anything. When I had a job I had to respect my co-workers, manager, and customers. Not anyone wants a disrespectful person. Being disrespectful is not showing respect for myself. I am a young lady now but my mother taught me with having respect for myself when I was just a little girl. My mother showed me how to cross my legs while sitting. Also, she told me I should not chew with my mouth open and not to ever use profanity. How I should not just wear all types of clothes wear my breast is hanging out or wearing too little shorts. It is hard to teach yourself with respect if you never had a role model or figure to teach him or her

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