Definition Essay On Success

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The lesson learned from my many shortcomings and failures has been difficult, decisions made in haste, followed by regrets, at lease it seems that way for me, Perhaps is it my youth and lack of experience but my worst enemy and cause of failures has been my self-doubt and inability to ask for help. The negative self-talk that prevented me from pushing myself to my fullest potential that now comes back to haunt me as I prepare to enter college. Why didn’t I take those classes more seriously, study a bit harder, or consider the importance the outcome would have in a few short years? As I look back on that scared young man that feared failure, I can only hope that perhaps, those early lessons will be the fuel that will propel me into …show more content…

The ones who experience failure and take that experience and learn from it are the ones who achieve the success that they strive for. Failure and success go hand in hand, with that being said, they are on completely different ends of the spectrum. Success is something that requires hard work and effort. Failure is an intricate component of success, because without first attempting something new and then failing, one doesn’t know the real meaning of success. As Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Failure is how you learn to push yourself and strive towards success. A person's reactions to repeated failed attempts at success determine the type of stamina one has and if a person has the fortitude to preserve and achieve success regardless of their failures. I feel that I have gained valuable experiences through the many failures in my life. I’ve learned that no matter how frequently I experience failure, I have to keep a positive mindset and continue to press forward. I now believe that anything is achievable through hard work, a positive attitude, and perseverance. My goals are set and regardless of my past or future failures, I will

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