Definition Essay Beauty

1186 Words3 Pages defines the word ‘beauty’ into three different definitions, “1. The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestation (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest) 2. A beautiful person, especially a woman 3. A beautiful thing, as a work of art or a building.” ‘Beauty’ is something that can be defined differently depending on whom you ask. To some people ‘beauty’ may be when someone has blonde hair and blue eyes, and for others it may be when someone has perfect skin. There are so many different definitions for the word ‘beauty’ because …show more content…

Society makes people believe if they look a certain way, are a certain weight, and wear certain clothes then they are beautiful. This thought process is making women alter who they are; whether it is to lose weight, change their style, or even transform who they have always been, just so they can be considered in society today as beautiful. Currently, I have a younger sister who is an eighth grader at a private Christian school in Jacksonville, Fl. Every girl in her grade struggles with trying to be the prettiest by smearing her face full of make-up and remaining within the size double zero. These are eighth graders who are already becoming self-conscious of whom they truly are. This breaks my heart because to me ‘beauty’ doesn’t just mean being beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. ‘Beauty’ doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be the prettiest girl in your class, but instead it means you have the prettiest heart of your class. In other words, it means to always lend a helping hand to those in need, to be able to see the light in the darkest of circumstances and to let your happiness shine through for everyone. In addition, it means to always be forgiving, understanding, and someone who you would be proud of your children looking up to. These are examples of someone who I think is …show more content…

Machu Picchu is one of the most truly beautiful places worldwide. When I first saw Manchu Picchu I broke out into tears because of how breathtakingly beautiful it was, and how blessed I was to be able to experience it all. When you first look at the scenery it doesn’t even look real; in fact, it looks almost like an award-winning picture. Not many people realize or know how much work and dedication was put into the making of Machu Picchu. It is crazy to me to think that Machu Picchu is a man-made wonder of the world. It is located above the Sacred Valley within Peru. The Incas built Manchu Picchu around 1450, and only a small percentage has been restored to this point. To me, when you are standing at the top of Manchu Picchu gazing upon and grasping all the incredible work and extreme dedication that went into creating this magnificent ruin is ‘beauty’ at its

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