Defining the Various Roles of Social Policy

1954 Words4 Pages

During the deep days of neoliberalism in 1980s, the WB and IMF argued as social policy is a waste of resources that invested in weaker sections of the society, which supposed to be invested in long-run productions instead (Chang, 2002). However, Mkandawire (2007) argued that the social policy significantly influences on economy and society, therefore it is a crucial in development. Furthermore, he stated that the social policy has number of roles, such as redistributive impacts on economy, protective functions on people from vagaries changes, and reproduction of society to enhance the further development.
The paper will define the various roles of social policy as Mkandawire referred. The aim of this study is to distinguish which role is the most important in the process of economic growth that enhance development and well being of the society. The description of roles will be critical in the light of why it is crucial, and whether why it worked in some countries or why not in other countries with wide range of evidences.
The redistributive role of the social policy is a redistribution of resources across society equally in order to tackle needs of bottom quintile as well as to tackle specific sectors where social investments are necessary in the context of fostering the development and decreasing the poverty. Although this is mostly believed that redistribution is a significant role of social policy in many countries, it is still arguable whether the income redistribution can be targeted equally across society or not. The main aim of redistributive social policy is to reduce the income inequality in the society in a way of providing free primary and secondary schooling, health service, pensions, housi...

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...s the economic growth, which decreases the income saving and leads people to get dependent on pensions that reduce the economic participation and productivity. However, Mkandawire (2007) argued that all social policies are efficient as well as there must have roles in social policies. Although, pension funds are used in different sectors, such as filling the gap of deficit, and generous pensions, it is still considered as efficient. The productive role of social policy focuses directly towards labours and innovation, because it causes increased productivity and economic participation by educated human capital. Thus, other roles can be combined with production role, which depends on what the society is aiming to achieve. However, the production is the most important as it increases income and savings that can contribute further growth and tackle conflicts of society.

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