Defining Beauty

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“Define beauty? One may as well dissect a soap bubble. We know it when we see it—or so we think. Philosophers frame it as a moral equation. What is beautiful is good, said Plato.” When you hear the word beauty or beautiful what do you think of? The way a person looks on the outside or the who they are on the inside. Or does it not even a human attribute but things that occur in nature. The definition of beauty has a very broad definition, this is due to the belief that beauty is subjective and is traditionally found in the eye of the beholder. After extensive research and interviewing two people, one male and one female, I have gotten a better idea of what beauty can mean to other people. In this paper I will discuss what can not only be seen …show more content…

My own personal belief of beauty can be associated with items found in nature like flowers and animals or the ocean but also a person with a kind personality. The male I interviewed whom I know very well stated he finds beauty in someone who is unique and different but then at the same time says, “you got to be perfect to be beautiful” (Timpson). The next question is what he finds to be ugly or not beautiful, he stated that ugly would be “trash” or someone of “poor quality”, even after asking for him to expand, the most I could get out of him was the word “trash”. What I learned from this interview is that to be beautiful you must be perfect and if you trashy you are not beautiful. This interview left me wondering about all the kindhearted, kind spirited imperfect people in the world, are they not …show more content…

In her opinion, beauty is the Kardashians, but one particularly, Khloe, this is because Khloe does things for charity and is also just a pretty person. To elaborate she stated that a beautiful person is kind and would do anything for anyone to make them happy. She finds herself to be beautiful person because she sees herself as kind and once spent all her own personal savings to help a family have a place to sleep and food to eat during Christmas. Now it was time to find out what she finds to be ugly, to summarize she feels as though ugly is a person who is mean and lies. This interview showed me that beauty is about what is on the inside and now about outside. Beauty is about the person on the inside and not on the out. It’s not about the clothes they wear or how they do their makeup, these things can make a person pretty, but it does not make a person beautiful. Someone can be pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside and have a bad heart. The way a person acts and treats others says a lot about a person’s beauty and how that person is seen by others. These two interviews really opened my eyes about how others can view beauty and ugly, beauty is a kind and unique person who is different in their own; looks aren’t

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