December at My Grandparents' House

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It stood out from all the rest in the peaceful neighborhood where my grandparent’s house was. The glittering white paint that seemed to never fade, the garden where rose bushes, lilies, elephant ears, trumpet plants and hibiscus filled the earth around you with welcoming colors and the sense of warmth and love. Every awaking moment of my childhood was spent there. My grandparents house was a place of comfort and security, and yet also one of sorrow.

December never fails. It is the coldest month of the entire year, every year, yet that never stopped anyone from gathering at my grandparent’s house for my birthday and Christmas. During my birthdays, the air was filled with the sweet aroma of barbeque, the laughter of kids, and the choice of music of the evenings get together. The backyard had an atmosphere of excitement, while inside was subtle and chaos from trying to make sure everything goes as planned. Christmas surpassed any other holiday. The holiday represented all that my grandparents were. Faith, family and gratefulness. Their house was surrounded in holiday spirit with beaut...

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