Death Wins Again

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Emily Dickinson’s “Death is a supple Suitor,” speaks of Death, as if it is an innocent, gentle caller who seeks to win the attention of his fair lady. Dickinson metaphorically tells a story of Death’s win over the one he is pursuing by contrasting the processes of courting, as a gentleman would do, and dying, as Death would occur. Dickinson incorporates many details, which will be discussed, and presents us with two sides of the running metaphor, which speaks of Death as a suitor, and also as the one who takes away life.
The idea that Death wins, in both cases is portrayed when Death, a young man courting his love, triumphs in winning her life and taking her as his own. Dickinson uses the first two lines of her poem to introduce this compliant character.
Death is a supple Suitor
That wins at last-
Supple, being Dickinson’s choice of characterization for the Suitor—a yielding man who is courting a woman—emits the idea that Death is misleading his bride to be, because as we all know, Death will yield or wait for no man or woman. His goal, as a “supple suitor” is to slyly woo her, and cause her to entrust herself to him. The ironic contrast is found in the thoughts that Death is something that humans avoid at most costs, yet in the end Death has taken her life. His wooing leads to her Death.
It is a stealthy Wooing
Conducted first
By pallid innuendoes
And dim approach

Dickinson’s choice of words such as “pallid”, which is a lack of color or intensity, and “dim” which similar...

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