Death Rituals In Judaism

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In Judaism death is a natural thing, even if it occurs earlier in life it is still a natural process, because life and death are just parts of G-d’s plan. Also they believe in afterlife, death rituals in Judaism have mainly two main purposes: “show respect for the dead (kavod ha-met), and to comfort the living (nihum avelim)”. ( ) “Judaism's structured period of mourning, which contains various stages for grieving, is considered extremely helpful, because each stage focuses on honoring and commemorating those who are gone, yet it gives appropriate time and ways to grieve and cope with loss.” ( )
After the death body never left alone, body usually covered …show more content…

First one is Shiva (which means seven).
Starts right after funerals and last for 7 days. This week is called "sitting shiva", it is emotionally healing time, usually people spend it with relatives and friends that visiting them for a short time (shiva calls). Usually its done in the house of the deceased, some times relatives even moving in for one week. A lot of times people don’t even go to work during this week. Usually mirrors are covered and before entering house all people that was at the funerals need to wash their hands and then have "meal of condolence". However, during days of Shabbat all the Shiva rules are suspended. ( ) The second one is Shloshlm (he first 30 days following the burial, which include the shiva, means thirty).
Most Shiva restrictions are now lifted, but people avoid celebrations of some holidays and loud music. They don’t shave and cut hair during the rest 23 days. Why 30 days? The Jewish calendar is marked by lunar time, during which moon waxes and wanes in a cycle of 30 days, it gives opportunity to emotionally recover during full circle. The third one is The One-Year Period (the 12-month period from the day of death (which includes the shiva and

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