Death Of Salesman Essay

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The Death of Salesman Dreams come true a sentence can make us fly, but sometime it can make us lose who we are. Some small temptations or frequent invisible offers draw for us a light future which will never end. On the other hand, these easy touchable causes for the dream to become true can draw for us a dark future which can make us lose our self and people who we really love. The Death of Salesman one of the most literature story that make an impact in every one of us from some social issues perspective. We are living in a world full of the same story, in a world represents the elusive goals as a very easy thing to have, and in a world that some people think what they are doing is the best thing to do. The salesman was one of these victims …show more content…

He suffers from depression and anxiety as a result of his dissipating career, his estranged relationship with his oldest son, Biff, and his guilt over an extramarital affair. Willy loses the ability to distinguish between the present and his memories of the past. Also, He believed being a salesman like what he was doing is the great dream and goal for his older son. He accept what we called the American dream to make his dream become true. He bought the house which supposed to be his own house after 30 years, but unfortunately it became his own after he die. In same time Willy was encouraging Biff Loman - Willy's thirty-four-year-old elder son- to be what he wanted him to be because he thought it was the right thing for him. Willy stopped Biff to be what he believed to be, what he dreamed about, and what he wanted to achieve. Because of what Willy's believed, Beef started to make a conflicts which made his daddy more angry and aggressive. All these situations in Willy's life caused for him a mentally disorder that made his dreams dark and negative. According to Bruce P. Dohrenwend, the proportion of the individuals usual activities in which uncontrollable negative changes take place following a major negative event; and how central the uncontrollable changes are to the individual's important goals and

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