Deafness In Today's Society

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Imagine a world without sound; the inability to hear a mother’s voice as she speak, the inability to hear the tune to the best song in the world, the inability to hear the laugh of friends and close people, the inability to hear the breeze of the wind and the birds chirping, the inability to hear anything. In many cases this is true, many people are completely deaf, and others have some form of hearing loss; which can range from mild to severe hearing loss. Deafness is something millions of people struggle with around the world, but still they seem to be oppressed in the world.
Deaf can have two definition, depending on who is asked. In the hearing world deaf seems to be the inability to hear or the lack of hearing; however, the Deaf community seems to think of Deafness as a way a life where people use their hands to speak (ASL), almost like their own unique way to live. ASL stands for American Sign Language, which is the form of communication for Deaf people who have English as a second language. Deaf children in the age for school have different options for school, one of the options is …show more content…

They haven’t been treated the way the should have, which is due to the cause that they can’t hear. Many people know Alexander Graham Bell as the inventor of the telephone, but most people don’t know what he really did in the Deaf community. Alexander thought of deaf people in a negative way, in fact he wanted to get rid of them. Alexander proposed that Americans should do two things: first, find out the cause that makes it so that the deaf intermarry; and second, to remove them. Alexander even made school took it as far as reconstructing deaf school. “In causes he sought to remove sign language, deaf teachers, and residential schools. His solution was the creation of special day schools taught by hearing teachers who would enforce a ban on sign language” (Signing, Alexander Graham Bell and the

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