Deadbeat Vs Absent Parents Essay

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Children living in a one parent home have less opportunities than children living with both parents. Statistically proven how big of an affect deadbeat and absent parents have on their children and their near future. Lone parenting is lead by the absence of parents; mostly fathers. Simply becoming a statistic just by taking care of their children without the assistance of the biological parent. As a single parent, it .is difficult to deal with their children because they are more likely to need extra affection, have psychological issues, a shortfall of academic performance, and stress due to financial/economic problems. Some might argue how being with one parent 24/7 can teach the child how to become independent in their adulthood. Also aspects …show more content…

A deadbeat parent for example, abandons their child for certain or specific reasons like not being prepared for a child, drug or alcohol abuse, and also the point of paying child support and thinking the money will shut up or satisfy the child. Materialistic things like new shoes, technology types of items, clothes, and even just the money itself are bribing “satisfying” tools parents use to shut their child up to say they take care of their child. The deadbeat parent does not realize how big of a deal it is to a child of just spending quality time with them, even if it is for an hour. It has been said often that dads are more commonly the deadbeat parent not even the absent parent like in the article, “National Crackdown Targets Worst Deadbeat Parents,” Askari debates, “Most of the deadbeats about 89 percent nationwide are dads” (2). Also the whole child support paying typical deadbeat dad is more than likely to be arrested more often than paying his child support. In the same article by Askari, stated "What happens very often is if a guy gets arrested, he loses his job and he has even less ability to pay. It's a waste of taxpayer money," and this goes to show how fathers seem to blame the law of some sort of forcing them into paying child support or going straight to jail no in between and if they were a little off, or behind the law gives them no way of catching up because they go to jail and lose any income they were

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