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Children living in a one parent home have less opportunities than children living with both parents. Statistically proven how big of an affect deadbeat and absent parents have on their children and their near future. Lone parenting is lead by the absence of parents; mostly fathers. Simply becoming a statistic just by taking care of their children without the assistance of the biological parent. As a single parent, it .is difficult to deal with their children because they are more likely to need extra affection, have psychological issues, a shortfall of academic performance, and stress due to financial/economic problems. Some might argue how being with one parent 24/7 can teach the child how to become independent in their adulthood. Also aspects …show more content…
A deadbeat parent for example, abandons their child for certain or specific reasons like not being prepared for a child, drug or alcohol abuse, and also the point of paying child support and thinking the money will shut up or satisfy the child. Materialistic things like new shoes, technology types of items, clothes, and even just the money itself are bribing “satisfying” tools parents use to shut their child up to say they take care of their child. The deadbeat parent does not realize how big of a deal it is to a child of just spending quality time with them, even if it is for an hour. It has been said often that dads are more commonly the deadbeat parent not even the absent parent like in the article, “National Crackdown Targets Worst Deadbeat Parents,” Askari debates, “Most of the deadbeats about 89 percent nationwide are dads” (2). Also the whole child support paying typical deadbeat dad is more than likely to be arrested more often than paying his child support. In the same article by Askari, stated "What happens very often is if a guy gets arrested, he loses his job and he has even less ability to pay. It's a waste of taxpayer money," and this goes to show how fathers seem to blame the law of some sort of forcing them into paying child support or going straight to jail no in between and if they were a little off, or behind the law gives them no way of catching up because they go to jail and lose any income they were
Two-parent families consist of a mother and father living in a home with dependent children. The family may consist of a biological mother and father or a step-parent. In two-parent families found little or no negative effects. Researchers suggest that children from two parent families are less likely to have social issues. Children raised in two-parent homes are more likely to complete high school and attend college. Cho, Lee, and Kuchner (2007) found that students raised in two parent homes demonstrate better behavior, have less absences and tardies and have much higher grade point averages. Researchers suggest that children from two parent homes have better grades and achieve academically as well as socially because the parents have more time to devote to the upbringing of the children oppose to single parents.
What is a single parent? Is it one who destroys their child’s life? Is it one who ultimately cannot raise a minor on their own? Or is it one who dedicates their lives to the well being of their kid? Imagine a parent, and for whatever reason they were left alone to raise a child. That parent you imagined has to work long hours just to put a meal on the table. That parent has to play the role of the mother and father. That parent has no financial support. Unfortunately, in our society, this image of a single parent is looked down upon. There are people that don’t realize how much a single parent goes through to give their child a better life.
Elaine Sorensen, Chava Zibman ”Poor Dads Who Don't Pay Child Support; Deadbeats or Disadvantaged?” Urban Institute, April 01, 2001, Web. 13 Nov. 2011
Parental incarceration and its reoccurring effects on children, specifically in the system, is a rising issue with little research done and no current solution to halt the snowballing problem. According to Cynthia Seymour (1998), “current estimates indicate that as many as 1.5 million children have an incarcerated parent; many thousands of others have experienced the incarceration of a parent at some point in their lives”. A large portion of our country is effected by incarceration, especially children, yet nothing is being done to support these children and their families or caretakers.
Deadbeat dads should take responsibility in taking care of their children. A real man will step up and do what he supposed to do for their children. No mother should raise her child alone. Mothers often ask the father to be in their child life because they fail to do so.There are fully-grown to be in men who abandon their responsibilities . Too many children grow up without a father figure,because the man is not in the child life spending time with them. Mothers should not have to put the father on child support because he is not taking care of child.Men complain when they have to pay child support when all they have to do is: be in the child life, take on responsibilities, and spend time with the child to show that they care. 2011 only 61%
Absent but not absent parent, what does that really mean? Mostly everybody has heard of the term a “single parent home”. But what most do not realize is that, a “single parent home” can take place in situations outside of divorce, death, or abandonment. There is a whole other form of “single parent homes” that people do not even realize exist. What I am referring to is a seemingly “normal” or “average” family unit. A family that has both a mom and dad but one is really not there. Meaning that either the mom or the dad is quote on quote emotionally unavailable. No matter what category it falls under whether it be divorced, abandoned, etc. It all has an effect on the children in those homes. For the majority of the following paper the view point
Another example of this problem is the fathers that do not have a job and are not looking for one. “Go to family court and you'll find a indigent dads, with no job and no lawyer, being taken away in handcuffs because they a could not pay the child support that they owed” (Supreme Court, par. 3) "Because the mother of his child receives welfare for a point of time, she initially had to sign her right to child support to the state, which automatically went to court whenever Turner was in arrears" (Supreme Court, par. 6)....
Throughout history a one-parent household has been deemed as a nontraditional family, but in today’s society it seems more and more common with every day. Although the reason and causes vary, each year the number of children raised by a single parent increases. Most people don’t seem to realize how much this can change a child’s future. The impact of childhood experiences simply set the disposition of adulthood and the rest of their lives. There is not one sole factor that affects child development, but one very important one is the role and relationship created with one’s parents. How a child is parented and raised leaves a lasting impression on them, commonly for a lifetime. You can see how this might alter a child, being that one parent is missing. Child development based off of living in a one-parent household is very circumstantial because each child and each parent are different individuals. But one thing is for sure; all areas of child development can be affected due to a missing parent, including social, cognitive emotional, and physical areas. I sat down with Dr. Carlos Antoline, a children’s school psychologist to see what the real impact of growing up in a one-parent household has on child development.
The Family structure has changed significantly in the last fifty years. With higher percentages of marriage ending in divorce, and higher rates of childbearing out of wedlock, single parent families are increasing rapidly. “Seventy percent of all the children will spend all or part of their lives in a single-parent household.” (Dowd) Studies have shown that the children of these families are affected dramatically, both negatively and positively. Women head the majority of single- parent families and as a result, children experience many social problems from growing up without a father. Some of these problems include lack of financial support, and various emotional problems by not having a father around, which may contribute to problems later in life. At the same time, children of single-parent homes become more independent because they learn to take care of themselves, and rely on others to do things for them.
There can be numerous good positive outcome of growing in a single parent household. Developing a strong bond with the child and parent is a positive effect. Spending that one on one time lets the child know that you care and make the relationship grow. Growing up mature children to adults and knowing what it takes to take care of a family with one parent. Graduating and becoming someone other than another statistic can all be positive effects on growing up in a single parent home. Being a mentor or role model and letting someone else know that you can be whatever no matter where you come from. So you can succeed in a single parent household if you are in a home that rises to the top of their situation. These single parent family are becoming college graduates, doctors, lawyers, singers, actors, or playing pro football, baseball, or basketball to name a
The research supports the theory of a father’s absence having negative effects on the child’s life. Nearly one third of
The role of the father, a male figure in a child’s life is a very crucial role that has been diminishing over the years. An absent father can be defined in two ways; the father is physically not present, or the father is physically present, but emotionally present. To an adolescent, a father is an idolized figure, someone they look up to (Feud, 1921), thus when such a figure is an absent one, it can and will negatively affect a child’s development. Many of the problems we face in society today, such as crime and delinquency, poor academic achievement, divorce, drug use, early pregnancy and sexual activity can be attributed to fathers being absent during adolescent development (Popenoe, 1996; Whitehead, 1993). The percentage of adolescents growing up fatherless has risen from 17% to 36% in just three decades between 1960 and 1990 (Popenoe, 1996). Dr. Popenoe estimates this number will increase to approximately 50% by the turn of the century (Popenoe, 1996). The US Census Bureau reported out of population of 24 million children, 1 out 3 live in a home without a father (US Census Bureau, 2009).
A single parent household is a house with only one parent and one or multiple children. Single parent households are becoming very common in all racial and ethnic groups because it is no longer required for people to be married before they have children. Most households only have one parent because of divorce, never being married, separated, widowed, or because of business. The most common are, separation, divorce and just simply never being married. In these cases it is usually the mother who is the single parent. It is not too often that you see a father taking care of their child by themselves. This is usually because they do not know how, or they simply do not want to take care of their child. Statistics show that family structure has a big impact on certain characteristics of a child such as their attitude and level of respect. Children tend to be less respectful to people because they do not respect the parent who is not around. In many cases a child may become depressed living with only one parent causing them to get out of control and do things that they shouldn’t. Sometimes the child may feel like they are incomplete leaving them to do crazy things to find what they feel like they are missing. often times the child feels that they are the reason their parents are not together.
This causes the women to file for child support and uses the tax payers money in the courts and prosecution of the fathers. The children are still not properly cared for financially and the family relationship becomes strained. What can we do to support our single fathers? Supply our men with an opportunity by giving them access to receive education and genuine training with apprenticeship to a great long term career. This would eliminate the crime and get these men off the streets. Finally save our dollars by cutting down our welfare moms by getting the support needed by the fathers
Single Parent Struggle For many years, children growing up in a single parent family have been viewed as different. Being raised by only one parent seems impossible to many yet over the decades it has become more prevalent. In today’s society many children have grown up to become emotionally stable and successful whether they had one or two parents to show them the rocky path that life bestows upon all human beings. The problem lies in the difference of children raised by single parents versus children raised by both a mother and a father.