Dawson Monologue

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I liked Dawson and I’s own little world. It was peaceful and safe and warm and so much like what I imagined myself as in the past. We only had to focus on us, and with so much happening so fast, it was nice to forget our responsibilities for a time. It felt like everything was always so stressful, so somber, but that was really neither of our personalities. We could be lighthearted when we were together, and it was only when external forces managed to penetrate our space did that end. However, even then, he managed to try to capture a lively spirit in the conversation. I breathed easily, closing my eyes for a moment. My thoughts could not agonize me; it was not hard to leave my mind blank and simply lay in complete silence. It was a welcomed …show more content…

For the duration of that time, Dawson scolded me on my carelessness, which I agreed was my fault, and I deserved it. I should not have been so careless, though I doubted he would have been thinking about clothing placement at that time, either. Still, I immense pleasure in Dawson’s irritation, mostly because his scolding required him to remember the previous night, which then made his face darken red and stumble over his words to the point he eventually quit speaking. Of course, I remained my kind self and did not point it out and kept my laughter at bay for the sake of getting to Denver, and so we checked out of our room and left the motel around half-past …show more content…

“It’s not, considering it’s the Apple Store,” he replied, smirking at my confusion, but I was becoming slightly horrified. What did it look like when it was actually busy? A circus? Were people really that dependent on their toys? I followed slowly behind Dawson, taking everything in as best I could, but there was honestly just too much. As soon as a woman and her two children left one of the laptops lining the walls, Dawson rushed to slide into place before anyone else could get to it, and I raised my eyebrow at him. Is this a store or the Coliseum? I asked myself, going to stand behind him, fearful of those around us. It seemed I had been wrong to feel safe there. He opened up Google and waited for the page to load, which did not take very long at all. The computers there were much faster than those at the library. “Okay, so we know she’s here somewhere,” Dawson

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