David Hill's Coming Back

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It is important to go through hard experiences in life to be able to grow as a person and become the best you can be. 'Coming Back' is a novel written by David Hill. It is based in New Zealand and deals with problems not everyone must endure but most have heard of. Ryan and Tara are the main characters in this novel. Ryan is distracted by his friends and doesn't see Tara run into the road. Ryan is an important character because although he is not completely to blame he does take the fault. Reading this there is a lot to be taken from his character and to learn, especially in this situation. One is you have to be strong even if you don't feel it, and preserver through hard times. Secondly we learn from Ryan that having true friends and family …show more content…

This is shown with the quote "if I told myself often enough I might start to believe it". This shows one of the most important parts of Ryan, he might not feel strong, or think he can get through this, but tries anyway. The use of this sentence later in repetition shows he's trying to convince himself to try. To get through even when it seems bleak. The wording of the sentence hesitant. Hill uses words like 'if' and 'might', to show how unsure Ryan is within himself. This also shows Ryan's strength that he is willing to preserve through this. Hill uses this to show your own will and inner strength can get you through anything. Also not to give up before you've tried to succeed. It shows Ryan didn't want to give up on himself when he felt the world was against him. It's important to learn we are only as strong as we believe we are. If you think your weak then you will be, if you believe you can get through anything, you …show more content…

Also how tricky it can be to find them. This can be seen in the quote ' three weeks back I knew Vince and I would be mates forever. But that was three weeks back.' Ryan thought he and Vince were close and would stand beside each other through anything. Ryan later learns Vince would not stand with him through anything, when he becomes scarce after the accident. The use of the word 'But' in this sentence is used unusually. 'But' is commonly used to connect two sentences but here Hill used it to start another sentence. This shows what Ryan believed. This was a simple fact he and Vince would be mates and there was no hesitation in his statement. Although three weeks later Ryan sees Vince as he truly is now, not the friend he thought he had. So the but was added after. A statement that Ryan no longer believes. Vince shows you need true friends so they stand beside you. Vince is a portrayal of the friend that you don't need or want. Ryan's stepdad, Jon, is not his biological father but is involved in the story and Ryan's life more than his biological parent. He is more reliable and closer to Ryan than his father. Hill portrays this in Jon's quote 'We're not going to make excuses, but we're with you'. This is important as it shows he won't leave as many in Ryan's life have like his father and later, Vince. Hill added this contrast of characters to make

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