Darkness coils its implecable fingers around me. I am forever ensnared by it. Its dark blades pierce me to the core. I can feel them drawing out every last drop of warm blood slowly. Even so, I choose this. I lay awake in my bed, thinking this over and over again, repeating these words in my head. Why am I so dark? Why is my soul drifting further and further to the void? Indeed, I did choose this but, does that not mean I can turn back? Does this mean that I am forever bound to the darkness that has encased itself into my heart?
I wish to go back. Back to days where Luka and I would play gleefully among our shabby village. We would do this carelessly, with big smiles on our faces. We had no worries. We didn't care that we were poor or that
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I tap my foot rapidly for him to finish and once he’s done buttoning my shirt I test his patience. I unbutton the top two buttons of my frilly blouse attempting to nettle him. “Are you annoyed now?” He simply adjusts his glasses and responds with a 'No'. I frown at my failure to irritate my dispassionate butler. Claude just does what he would typically do in a situation like this, go back and try again.
He finishes dressing me. I am clad in a white ruffled shirt with a green and black vest, a pair of charcoal shorts, black thigh high stockings and a black bow to finish off the look. This is my general outfit.
“Please excuse me” Claude says to me while bowing then exits my room. At breakfast I just poke at my eggs with a butter knife, thinking to myself with a rather bored expression plastered on my face. Hannah stands beside me on my right and the triplets on my left. If there is anything I want to do so badly as of this moment, it would be to gouge Hannah’s eyes out, but of course Claude would intervene. I roll my eyes at the thought.
I get up from the dining table, leaving behind my half eaten eggs and trot off in silence to
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Would changing myself award me the heart of my impassive butler or would I still be nothing to him but his meal?
I stare out of my window pondering on the matter until I hear a knock at my door. “Come in” I say in a monotone voice. Hannah opens the door and walks in, grace in her strides as always. “Lady Alois, It is time to trim your hair once again. I am sorry I have not been able to do so lately. I apologise if it growing out has been a problem for you”. She says with so much sincerity. I just stare out of my beautiful victorian window. This gives me an idea. My hair has been growing. It is to the length where I need to pin it up. If I continue to let it grow then I can at least look the part of a noble girl. “Its alright, Hannah. I do not want my hair trimmed” I say dryly. Hannah looks stunned at me. Another thought pops into my head. Hannah is a seemingly proper lady, maybe she can help me in the ways of becoming one. Maybe I should be nicer to her, that could be a start. I turn around and give her a warm smile, while disregarding the dumbfounded look on her face. “Hannah, I have a favor to ask of you”
“yes master?”
“I want you to accompany me to London. I...I need new clothes for a ball that I will be attending tomorrow
gave your life, for some reason, collapses. In a religious meaning, I believe it is best described by St. John of the Cross as “the soul’s journey to the divine union of the love of God” (Perrine). The darkness represents the hardships and difficulties the soul meets in detachment from the world and reaching t...
A lonely man receives a special invitation to an exclusive club of killers, who have gotten away with it and saying no to the club has deadly consequences.
For years and years, I quietly listened to your cacophonous squalling and wistfully complied with all your callous commands. You commanded me as you pleased, and I pleased you with each command, and slowly but surely, I transformed into someone completely disparate than the maiden you had bewedded. I had become unrecognizable. Even to myself.
creatures, no one ever stops to think about the darkness that lies within a person’s heart which
However, it is not long before Winterbourne feels a need to place her within the rigid expectations proper to her class and gender. He begins to find her disposition towards conversation and acknowledgment to having a great deal of gentlemen's...
In the solitude of pitch-black infinite space, “men forgot their passions”-all values were lost, hopes and goals were put on hold, and only darkness existed. A world living in darkness was forced to displace its social classes and live one in utter darkness. All ...
“We grow accustomed to the Dark-” is within itself a portrayal of not seeing things of what it appears to be. We just take the darkness and get used to it without searching why the darkness is there in the first place. “When not a moon disclose a sign- Or star- come out- within-” We feel hopeless when a dark situation comes about and we look for signs, but when they aren’t there we give up. The bravest, however, search and see the darkness for what it is.
Leigh Ann disclosed, “No, He’s changing mine”. This conflict here between her friends brought about some uncertainties that made her friends question her role in their clique Leigh Ann has role within her circle of friend and community that must not be deviated from. Leigh Ann also realizing a potential social change occurring, that it’s not her that was changing someone’s life, but someone was changing
Cinder, confused by his words asked. “Tazzy, how can a Fay understand what it is like to abandon her human life, for a life in this crazy mythological world? They are born with knowledge of this world.”
“What do you say to a game or two of old maid?” Arthur looked up from the screws and cogs he had been playing with, and nodded toward the man descending down the stairs.
Light is the left hand of darkness… How did it go? Light, dark. Fear, courage. Cold, warmth.
...the darkness and gain an understanding of why, and start out on the path to light again. We might compare the path to life. Life is a path that will often test your faith and how you react and carry oneself will determine where you will spend eternity.
Everyone goes through a time where they wish they were a different person. Many people believe that they can never change who they are. However, transformations occur every day. Emily Bronte proves this true in her novel Wuthering Heights. Throughout the entire plot, numerous characters changed, either in their appearance, their social status, or their personality.
Emptiness surrounds me, as I float in this vast darkness. I cannot discern up or down, hot or cold. Absence of feelings, only memory remains. Of my life, and death. <> I mutter to myself.
feels like a jacket. I slide it up to my neck. I feel fabric: it's a